Why There Are No Elevators in Silo

As a seasoned gamer and story enthusiast who has navigated countless dystopian worlds, I can appreciate the intricacies of the Apple TV+ series Silo. The absence of elevators in such a technologically advanced society is indeed puzzling, but upon reflection, it seems to serve a purpose that aligns with the oppressive nature of this near-future society.

Spectators find themselves wondering why elevators or lifts aren’t present in the Silo, considering it houses residents across multiple floors. The Apple TV+ series depicts a dystopian future where people dwell within massive subterranean silos, under strict rules for their supposed protection. Although the show highlights advanced futuristic technology, the lack of conventional elevators has piqued the curiosity of many viewers. Let’s delve into the reasons why Silo doesn’t include elevators in its design.

Why the Silo has no elevators in Apple TV series

In order to prevent potential conflicts or rebellions among different groups, the silo lacks elevators, thereby discouraging face-to-face interaction and possible anti-establishment dialogue.

Fans have often pondered the lack of elevators in underground silos, which would simplify movement between floors. Despite the show’s advanced technology, the absence of contemporary elevators has sparked debates. Yet, a theory proposes that there seems to be a substantial explanation for not installing elevators.

Residents of underground dwellings are assigned floors according to their roles and social status. To discourage any potential uprisings or unrest, the design encourages residents to use staircases, restricting their interactions and mobility. The architects have strategically designed the cylindrical layout so that movement between areas primarily involves using stairs.

In another interpretation, it’s possible that those in charge of Silo sought power over their population and the conversations among them. Consequently, they deliberately chose not to install elevators.

The authorities aim to have people accept their version of events without exploring other sources, but their limitations on communities are becoming more apparent. For example, Juliette’s courageous act during the Cleaning Ceremony at the end of Season 1 challenges the tightly-knit systems and sparks rebellion.

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2024-12-02 10:40