Why is Arch Bug so hellbent on revenge in Outlander?

Why is Arch Bug so hellbent on revenge in Outlander?

As a gamer with a soft spot for historical dramas and a deep affection for the Outlander series, I can’t help but reminisce about the intriguing turn of events in Season 7A. Arch Bug, a name that now stirs unease in my heart, has been biding his time since Young Ian unwittingly ended Murdina’s life during the fire at Fraser’s Ridge.

It’s been some time since “Outlander” Season 7A premiered on Starz initially. While rewatching the entire season could be an option, occasionally, we might want brief recaps about the plot. One such point is the character named Arch Bug.

Towards the close of Outlander Season 7A, Arch discovered a delightful turn of events: Young Ian placed faith in Rachel to such an extent that he handed Rollo over to her care while he journeyed to Scotland. This signifies that Young Ian has developed romantic feelings for Rachel, which sets the stage for Arch to exact his vengeance.

Let’s take a look back at Outlander Season 7A to get a reminder of why he wants revenge.

Young Ian killed Murdina Bug in Outlander Season 7A

The pivotal moments occur at the onset of Outlander Season 7A. Following Jamie, Claire, and Young Ian’s successful rescue of Claire from execution, they returned to Fraser’s Ridge. Incidentally, this arrival coincided with the very fire that had propelled Brianna back through time. Do you recall that significant fire?

Prior to the fire, Wendigo Donner’s man dragged Murdina into a room, and a gold trinket fell out. At that moment, Jamie remained silent and took no action. However, during the clean-up post-fire, Jamie stumbled upon the gold trinket again. It wasn’t something he had ever seen before, but he recognized its connection to certain events.

In Season 6 of Outlander, one of Jocasta’s slaves mentioned that Jocasta had been mumbling about gold. Jamie wore a puzzled expression. It seemed that the gold they had was identical to what Arch and Murdina Bug had stolen from Jocasta (which Hector had obtained during the Rising). They were carefully transporting it for their own benefit, as they felt entitled to it because they were working for Malcolm Grant when the gold was distributed among three clans.

It became clear to Jamie that Murdina and Arch were planning another quest for the gold. However, Young Ian mistakenly shot an arrow at someone he believed was Arch. Unfortunately, it was actually Murdina who was hit, leaving Young Ian heartbroken upon realizing he had caused her death.

Arch Bug wants revenge against Young Ian in Outlander Season 7B

In the end, young Ian put himself on the line for Arch, but that wasn’t what Arch had in mind. At first, Arch threatened to take Rollo’s life, but with Ian making it plain that such an action wouldn’t transpire, it became evident that Rollo was innocent and spared from harm.

Arch sought a unique form of retribution instead. He wasn’t actually planning on killing Rollo or Young Ian. However, what he truly desired was for Young Ian to experience the same pain as him, which could only be achieved by taking away the woman Young Ian cherishes – killing her.

At the moment, there was no issue between them. Young Ian’s wife, being a Mohawk woman who lived far off, wasn’t someone Arch would pursue given that she had sent Young Ian away. However, complications arose when Young Ian fell in love with Rachel. Now that Arch understands this situation, it seems the right moment for him to take action against Young Ian.

Outlander Season 7B premieres on Friday, Nov. 22 on Starz.

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2024-09-25 13:37