Why Did James Denton’s Mike Delfino Leave Desperate Housewives?

13 years after its conclusion, “Desperate Housewives” continues to intrigue viewers. The story centers around a collection of housewives residing on Wisteria Lane, who despite their polished facades, harbor numerous hidden secrets, crimes, and personal hardships. Lately, there’s been renewed interest in the character of Mike Delfino, portrayed by James Denton. Many fans are curious to understand why his character departed from the series prematurely. Hence, let me explain why James Denton’s Mike Delfino left “Desperate Housewives”.

Below, we’ve laid out all the essential details regarding the character’s exit from the whimsical crime-comedy show.

This article covers the key points surrounding the character leaving the quirky crime-comedy program.

Here’s why James Denton’s Mike Delfino left Desperate Housewives

James Denton’s character, Mike Delfino, departed from Desperate Housewives when his role was eliminated, and subsequently met his end within the show’s storyline.

Back in 2012, when I was chatting with Entertainment Weekly, I naively thought my character was untouchable since it was the last season. Boy, was I wrong! The mastermind behind our show, Marc Cherry, had other plans and decided to axe my character during Season 7. During our chat, he broke the news to me right in the heart of the series. Quite a shocker, if I do say so myself!

Marc [Cherry] inquired, “May I speak with you for a moment?” At that point, I had no clue what the topic was… That was the first time Marc had ever used the phrase, “we need to talk,” and I didn’t think it was about me being written off because it was so close to the end of the series. Later on, he phoned and said, “We have an idea,” and shared it with me.

In Season 8, Donny, a loan shark, fatally shoots Mike. Unfortunately, by the time Susan Mayer arrives to assist him, Mike has already lost his life. Fans were deeply saddened by Mike’s departure from the series, but Denton accepted the news of his character’s demise graciously, as Mike had been a significant presence throughout the show’s run.

The actor expressed that it was great for him since they were nearly finished, regardless… When he initially informed me, I was quite taken aback. In any other year, I might have felt let down, but under the current circumstances, I reasoned that we had succeeded in achieving something.

As of writing, Desperate Housewives is available to watch on Hulu.

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2025-01-27 11:46