Three years following its conclusion, The Expanse continues to captivate audiences. The story centers around the thrilling odyssey of police detective Josephus Miller, who embarks on a mission to locate a missing woman. However, he’s stunned to discover that this woman is entangled in a perilous conspiracy capable of endangering humanity. Lately, whispers abound regarding the series potentially departing from its current streaming home, Amazon Prime Video. Thus, is it true that The Expanse is leaving Prime Video?
As a gaming enthusiast diving into the world of sci-fi, here’s what I found out about the science fiction series leaving its streaming home.
Or, in another way:
From my perspective as a gamer hooked on sci-fi shows, here’s the lowdown on the departure of our favorite series from their streaming service.
Are all seasons of The Expanse leaving Prime Video?
No, not all the seasons of The Expanse are leaving Amazon Prime Video.
In a short while, the initial three seasons of the series will be leaving Amazon Prime Video. But don’t worry, seasons 4, 5, and 6 will still be available for streaming on the platform.
When are The Expanse Season 1, 2, and 3 leaving Prime Video and why?
Starting from February 7, 2025, it’s said that the initial three seasons of the show will no longer be available on Prime Video because their licensing period has come to an end.
Back in the day, as an ardent fan, I’d like to share that the first three seasons of “The Expanse” were Syfy’s proud creations. The show was thriving on their network, but unfortunately, they chose to call it quits after season 3. So, the captivating sci-fi series aired its last episode on June 27, 2018, on Syfy.
Initially upset by the abrupt end of their beloved series, fans found cause for excitement when Amazon Prime Video announced additional seasons. Consequently, “The Expanse” made a comeback in its fourth season, which started streaming in December 2019. The show continued for two more seasons, only to be canceled once again by Amazon Prime Video. However, the producers brought the storyline to a close with Season 6.
Reports suggest that the license for the first three seasons of “The Expanse,” originally produced by Syfy, may soon expire from Amazon Prime Video, meaning Seasons 1,2, and 3 might leave the platform. However, it’s important to note that subsequent seasons remain Amazon Originals. At this point, Amazon has not confirmed these reports. If the news is true, fans should hurry to watch the first three seasons of “The Expanse” as they still have a few days left to do so.
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2025-01-27 11:10