What to expect for Helaena in House of the Dragon Season 3 based on the book

What to expect for Helaena in House of the Dragon Season 3 based on the book

As a devoted fan of George R.R. Martin’s world and a reader of “Fire & Blood,” I can’t help but feel a sense of dread when contemplating Helaena Targaryen’s future in “House of the Dragon.” The show has already departed significantly from her book counterpart, which leaves me questioning how the narrative will unfold for this tragic character.

By the close of Season 2 in “House of the Dragon”, it was evident that Helaena Targaryen experiences visions. She’s privy to the future events concerning Aegon and Aemond, yet remains cryptic about her own fate.

For Helena, the narrative from the book presents a heartbreaking saga. Unfortunately, the book’s alterations to her story have been substantial, which may significantly impact how events unfold for her in the future, potentially causing severe consequences.

Instead of delving into Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin directly, let’s discuss potential outcomes as depicted in the novel. Keep in mind that there might be revelations about the plot which could be considered spoilers.

Helaena Targaryen faces more loss and heartbreak in Fire & Blood

In the novel, Helaena experiences a sequence of distressing incidents. The story kicks off with the assassination of Jaehaerys, an event that was depicted in Season 2 of “House of the Dragon”, but is more impactful in the book. She’s confronted with a heart-wrenching decision between her two sons, ultimately witnessing the murder of the one she decides to protect. Blood and Cheese are merciless in their actions.

After this incident, it appears that Helaena retreats into solitude, confined to her room. Contrary to this depiction, in the show, we don’t witness Helaena as being mad, but rather deeply saddened following the loss of her son.

In the novel, there’s an additional layer of sorrow. Upon Rhaenyra’s arrival at King’s Landing, Alicent manages to secretly transport Jaehaera and Maegor (another son) out of the city for their safety. Unfortunately, while Jaehaera is spared, Maegor meets a gruesome end as the common people tear him apart, each hoping to reap the reward for returning him to King’s Landing.

Her despair caused her to take her own life, but there are those in King’s Landing who think she was actually murdered. The true story remains uncertain.

Will Helaena be killed in House of the Dragon Season 3?

In a different perspective, it seems unusual for Helaena’s story in the show to continue along the same tragic path. Given that she has moved past her profound sorrow over Jaehaerys’ passing and no longer has Maegor present, it appears that she lacks compelling reasons to contemplate suicide. As Jaehaera’s death would have significant consequences, it seems unlikely that this is a viable option for Helaena’s character development.

In another words, could it be possible for Rhaenyra to arrange for Helaena’s demise? Given what we’ve observed of Rhaenyra thus far, that seems unlikely. Rhaenyra was deeply saddened when she learned that Helaena had lost a child. Given her innocence in these events, it seems incongruous with Rhaenyra’s character to order Helaena’s death.

Another character might be tasked with orchestrating Helaena’s demise, although it seems unlikely Daemon would be the one given his recent experiences. It could potentially be a member of the common people to create an illusion that Rhaenyra is responsible, or perhaps Criston Cole has chosen this drastic action. Regardless, the only feasible means to advance Helaena’s plot in the narrative appears to be her untimely death, which will undoubtedly be a letdown. The alteration of the Blood and Cheese scene had too profound an impact on Helaena’s storyline.

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2024-09-11 15:37