What is Fracking & What is Kamala Harris’ Stance on it?

What is Fracking & What is Kamala Harris’ Stance on it?

As someone who has closely followed Kamala Harris’ career and political evolution, I find it fascinating to witness her nuanced approach to fracking during this year’s presidential race. Having lived through the oil crises of the 1970s, I can empathize with the challenges leaders face in striking a balance between energy independence and environmental concerns.

A lot of people are keeping a keen eye on the ongoing argument about hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, as Vice President Kamala Harris’ stance on it shifts during the 2024 presidential campaign. Initially strongly opposed to the practice, Harris now seems to take a more nuanced view, emphasizing the delicate equilibrium between environmental protection and energy self-sufficiency. As they spar over this divisive subject, fracking has emerged as a key topic in political debates.

Let’s explore the evolution of Harris’ views on fracking, Trump’s reaction, and how it influences the 2024 energy policy discussion.

What is fracking and why is it controversial?

Extracting oil and natural gas from deep within the earth’s layers, a process known as fracking or hydraulic fracturing, makes use of this technique. (According to BBC)

This procedure includes forcing a mix of water, sand, and chemicals into shale rock at high pressure, causing cracks to form. These cracks enable trapped fossil fuels to flow more easily, thereby increasing energy output. As a result, the US has become a major producer of oil and gas due to this method’s substantial impact.

Fracking is a subject of debate because of the potential harm it poses to the environment and health. The process has been known to induce minor seismic activities and consume large quantities of water, putting pressure on local resources. Moreover, it generates substantial amounts of wastewater and releases methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, exacerbating climate change. The proximity of fracking sites to human settlements can expose people to harmful chemicals, adding fuel to the fire in energy policy discussions.

What did Kamala Harris say about fracking?

Kamala Harris’ position on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has shifted throughout the years. In her 2019 presidential run, she openly advocated for a ban on fracking, mirroring her commitment to addressing environmental issues and mitigating climate change. To put it simply, in a 2019 town hall hosted by CNN about the climate crisis, Harris stated, “I am definitely for banning fracking.

Over the past few years, Harris’ stance on energy policy has evolved to mirror the intricate political and economic terrain in which it’s situated. In a recent ABC News presidential debate, she made it clear that she would not enact a ban on fracking and emphasized her role as the decisive vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, enabling the issuance of new fracking leases.

She stressed the need to balance environmental concerns with energy independence and job preservation, underscoring the nuanced approach required in energy policy. It is a contentious issue that highlights the clash between energy needs and environmental concerns.

Harris’ evolving position underscores the dilemma leaders often encounter when striving for energy self-sufficiency and environmental preservation. In the context of America’s energy plans, hydraulic fracturing continues to be a key issue in the management of natural resources and tackling global warming.

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2024-09-11 14:20