What Have You Done? by Shari Lapena review: The ghost part wasn’t needed

What Have You Done? by Shari Lapena review: The ghost part wasn't needed

As a devoted reader and avid fan of thrillers and murder mysteries, I’ve read my fair share of whodunits that leave me feeling underwhelmed. But Shari Lapena’s latest offering, “What Have You Done?”, is a breath of fresh air in this genre. Thanks to NetGalley, I was fortunate enough to obtain an advance copy and share my thoughts with you all.

In the quiet town of Fairhill, nothing seems to occur until something unexpectedly sparks the events of Shari Lapena’s thriller, “What Have You Done?

1. Here’s a fresh take on the latest murder mystery: it’s available now! I was fortunate enough to receive an early copy courtesy of NetGalley, enabling me to write this review.

1. If you’re new to the thriller/murder mystery genre, I believe this book will appeal to you more than those who have read many such books before. That’s perfectly fine! It simply means that since these genres can become somewhat predictable at times, skilled authors need to work harder to keep their stories engaging and fresh.

However, this is a fun read that draws you in from the start. Let’s get into the review.

What is What Have You Done by Shari Lapena about?

1. The story begins with Diana Brewer’s murder. Instead of being asleep at home as planned, she was found dead in a farmer’s field, evidently having met a violent end. As suspicion falls on several individuals, the mystery deepens: who is responsible for this heinous act?

Throughout the story, various perspectives are presented. Characters such as the potential killers, Diana’s closest friends and family, certain teachers, and even Diana (as a ghost) each have their own unique viewpoints, allowing us to piece together the mystery of her death.

As someone who has spent most of my reading life engrossed in thrillers and mysteries, I have to admit that I’ve come across my fair share of stories with ghostly elements. However, I must confess that these bits don’t usually resonate with me. My preference lies more towards narratives where the focus is on the living characters, their motivations, and their investigations.

What Have You Done? review

From the get-go, this book drew me in like a magnetic pull. Right off the bat, I’m introduced to the victim – her name, her persona – all unfolding through the eyes of friends, family, and educators. This approach offers a vivid picture of who she was to others and the unique character that defined her. It stirs an emotional connection with the victim, a factor often missing in murder mystery novels.

Reading a mystery story from various perspectives keeps the audience in suspense at the beginning. With experience in this genre, one can often predict the outcome. However, I wasn’t able to solve the puzzle until approximately halfway through. The narrative shifted among several characters enough for me to gradually piece together the clues.

As a seasoned investigator with years of experience under my belt, I have come to appreciate the value of shifting perspectives during complex cases. Riley’s account offered a unique insight into the investigation from her point of view. She allowed us a glimpse into Diana’s life, enabling us to connect with the victim on a deeper level. However, I couldn’t help but notice how Riley’s bias started creeping in.

Hey there fellow gamer! Here’s something exciting for your upcoming gaming-free weekend: This book is perfect for a quick yet engrossing read. Once you dive in, trust me, it’ll be hard to resist the pull of turning pages until you reach the very end. Enjoy the adventure!

Stars: 4.5 out of 5.

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2024-07-30 19:38