What Happened to Eric Roberts? Car Accident & Health Update

What Happened to Eric Roberts? Car Accident & Health Update

As a gamer who’s always fascinated by the lives of Hollywood celebrities, I must say that Eric Roberts’ memoir, “Runaway Train,” sounds like a rollercoaster ride of emotions. His tumultuous journey from Georgia to Hollywood stardom is a testament to resilience and survival. The car accident he experienced in 1981, which led to a three-day coma, and the subsequent struggles with substance abuse, have undeniably left an indelible mark on his life.

In his new memoir titled “Runaway Train: My Life’s Journey Thus Far“, actor Eric Roberts is shedding light on various aspects of his life. At 68, he shares stories about his turbulent upbringing in Georgia, the obstacles he overcame during his acting career, and the complex bond he shared with his renowned sister, Julia Roberts. Readers are eager to learn more about the major car accident that altered his life’s course, as well as the health setbacks he experienced, which reportedly include a stroke.

In this text, we’re discussing potential incidents involving a car accident and heart stroke for Eric Roberts. Here’s what you should be aware of:

What happened to Eric Roberts?

Eric Roberts experienced a harrowing car accident that plunged him into a three-day coma.

The intense accident he experienced as the Runaway Train actor, resulting in significant injuries, greatly affected his long-term health. This distressing incident, combined with his past struggles with substance abuse, had a deep and enduring effect on his overall wellness. (Paraphrased from People)

In his latest autobiography, Roberts explained how the accident and drug issues severely impacted his capacity to remember and recall details, as well as his ability to absorb and store information. This event powerfully illustrates the tragic outcomes that can stem from similar incidents.

Eric Roberts’ health issues explained

Eric Roberts’ career has been marked by various health hurdles. Although details about his medical situations aren’t often made public, here are some health problems that have frequently been reported:

Car Accident and Substance Abuse

In 1981, Roberts suffered a severe car accident that left him in a coma. Years of substance abuse following the incident are thought to have led to long-term health problems. According to People, Roberts admitted in his autobiography that his struggle with drug addiction strained his relationships with his sisters.

In his own words, the seasoned actor expressed, “It wouldn’t shock me if they experienced PTSD due to the times they were near me when things were perilous. Lisa and Julia yearned for affection and security; what they received was apprehension and uncertainty instead.

Furthermore, Roberts disclosed that the most significant outcome of his drug habit was him losing Emma. In his autobiography, he also discusses a court struggle over custody of his daughter, Emma Roberts, whom he has with Kim Cunningham.

Hip Injury

2018 saw Eric Roberts being noticed using a wheelchair at Los Angeles Airport. The specific reason behind his mobility problems is still kept private. It’s speculated that it may be connected to an injury from his long career of intense acting and stunt work, particularly on his hip. As reported by People in 2018, his public representative explained the use of the wheelchair in a statement they issued.

Eric has been booked for a hip replacement at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Over the years, he’s been pushing himself at the gym, and more recently, he’s tried to perform his own stunts in films and television productions, which may have accelerated the need for this surgery.


In more straightforward terms: Eric Roberts has openly talked about his struggles with health issues lately, including being diagnosed with diabetes, a long-term condition that requires careful control of his blood sugar. To prevent complications like a stroke, he’s had to significantly change his daily habits.

Nevertheless, “Runaway Train” refers to a recently published memoir, titled after the 1985 movie that garnered Roberts his initial Academy Award nomination. This book offers an insightful account of his acting journey’s ups and downs, intricate relationships, legal disputes, and personal struggles with addiction.

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2024-09-19 02:40