What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I understand the frustration of spending hard-earned resources on uncertain outcomes in games, especially when it comes to the Wish Machine in Once Human. With Starchrom being a valuable and limited currency, it’s crucial to make informed decisions about which blueprints to invest in.

As a dedicated fan, I understand that you value your Starchrom resources highly in Once Human. To ensure you’re making the most of your investment, let me help you out. If you’re unsure which Blueprints to acquire using the Wish Machine, don’t fret! I’ve got some suggestions for you. Keep an eye out for the top-notch and worthwhile Blueprints that will enhance your gaming experience.

In the game “Once Human,” the Wish Machine serves as the primary feature and mechanism for players to acquire powerful weapons and equipment for creating various character builds. These builds can be customized with unique abilities such as Unstable Bomber, Fast Gunner, or The Bull’s Eye, among others.

Because Starchrom is a rare currency in the game that not all players have access to, and some may have already spent it on the Wish Machine without realizing they could buy weapon and gear blueprints instead, making the right choice can save you Starchrom and help improve your character.

Based on my extensive experience with Once Human’s Wish Machine and having tried out numerous options myself, I am excited to share my top recommendations for this intriguing gadget in today’s guide. Stay tuned!

Best Blueprints To Unlock Via Wish Machine In Once Human

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

After accumulating sufficient Strachrom to acquire blueprints in Once Human, it’s advisable to begin by buying a weapon and then enhancing it with armor sets, which will enhance both the weapon’s damage and overall effectiveness.

Now, as for weapons, I recommend purchasing the below blueprints first:

The Golden Scar – SOCR – The Last Valor

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

Since the early beta days, Shrapnel constructs have excelled, and now in the complete version of the game, SOCR – The Last Valor, equipped with the Shrapnel effect, is arguably among the finest assault rifles, delivering over 200k DPS from a single magazine if crafted optimally.

As a big fan of The Last Valor and its SOCR (Self-Organizing Countermeasure Rifle), I can tell you that activating the Shrapnel effect is a breeze using this advanced AR (Assault Rifle). Since it’s an Augmented Reality weapon, aiming isn’t even a concern for me.

As a gamer, I can tell you that out of all the assault rifles I’ve encountered in this game, the one with the blueprint you can obtain from the Wish Machine for 8,000 Starchrom is truly exceptional.

SN700 – Gulped Lore

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

Despite the SN700 not being an exceptionally rare weapon to obtain, its unique Unstable Bomber effect and impressive Weakspot Damage, coupled with a high Crit Rate and Crit Damage, make it a formidable weapon worth having. You can acquire its blueprint for only 2,000 Starchrom from the Wish Machine.

With the Large Suppressor and Long Range Tactical Optic attached, I’ve been relying on this as my primary weapon. My Calibration level is currently at +9 out of +10, yet I manage to deal over 19,000 damage with each weakspot hit, which is quite simple to execute. Additionally, around 6,500 Unstable Bomber damage is inflicted.


What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

Having spent countless hours honing my skills in this game, I’ve managed to unlock two formidable weapons thus far. But next week, I’m eagerly anticipating the addition of a new weapon to my arsenal: the DE.50 Jaws Pistol. This isn’t just an impulsive decision, mind you. With my experience in combat, I’ve come to appreciate the value of the Unstable Bomber effect this pistol boasts. The fact that it’s triggered with every fourth shot is nothing short of a game-changer! So, stay tuned as I put this powerful tool to the test and report back on its performance in the heat of battle.

If you prefer using pistols over sniper rifles and want more ammo per magazine along with higher damage per second (DPS), consider purchasing the DE.50 Jaws before the other suggested weapons.

The AWS.338 – Bullseye

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

The AWS.338 Bullseye, a rare and valuable sniper rifle on AWS, doesn’t come with the Unstable Bomber’s extra damage, but makes up for it by dealing substantial damage, particularly when aiming for weak spots following a weapon switch. This combination is ideal for both PvP and PvE scenarios, excelling in partnership with the DE.50 Jaws.

As a gamer, if I’ve already equipped myself with the four given weapons, I have the option to select between the following armor sets or additional weapons instead.

Other Great Blueprints To Buy From Wish Machine In Once Human

In Once Human, the Wish Machine offers an array of alternatives for enhancing your character. These include armor sets and weapons.

KV-SBR – Little Jaws

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

Compound Bow BP

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

KVD – Boom! Boom!

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

Shaman Vulture Top

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

Sleek Leather Jacket

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

Lonewolf Set

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

Shelterer Set

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

Explosive Front Top

What Blueprints Should You Purchase From Wish Machine In Once Human—Best Blueprints To Get First!

For armor, just make sure to buy the ones that complement the special effect of your weapon.

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2024-07-18 19:10