The Finals nerf has “killed the fun this weapon had” for many fans

The Finals nerf has “killed the fun this weapon had” for many fans

As a dedicated fan of The Finals, I’ve been following this game closely since its launch, and I’ve grown fond of certain weapons that have become an integral part of my gaming experience. One such weapon is the CL-40, which has always been a crowd favorite for its splash damage and versatility. However, with the recent update 3.4.0, Embark decided to make significant changes to this weapon, and I can’t help but feel disappointed.

In the latest update for The Finals, the biggest patch since Season 3 has been released. This brought about numerous adjustments and modifications to weapons, along with game modes like Terminal Attack. Balance alterations can greatly impact weapons in multiplayer games, leading fans of The Finals to express disappointment over a specific weapon that they feel has lost its enjoyment due to a hefty nerf.

Be sure to review the details of update 3.4.0’s changes in the patch notes. Regrettably, Xbox users have yet to receive this update, with Embark expressing their regret and fans pointing fingers at Microsoft. Consequently, Embark has announced they will address an issue that arose on personal computers following this patch.

Revision 3.4.0 marked a significant upgrade, generating widespread excitement among players. Most aspects of this overhaul have been positively welcomed. However, some members of The Finals faction strongly argue that adjustments to the CL-40 have rendered it less effective.

The Finals CL-40 nerf has “killed the fun this weapon had”

The following changes were made to the CL-40 in The Finals update 3.4.0:

  • Decreased minimum damage applied at outer edge of explosions to 0
  • Increased damage radius from 2.6m to 3m
  • Set damage fall-off to scale linearly from the max damage radius to the outer radius

I was thrilled to discover that Embark mentioned an improvement in the damage fall-off of their Area of Effect (AoE) weapons, just like they did with their AoE gadgets. Now, the damage feels more uniform across the affected area.

Regrettably, the fanbase has expressed strong disapproval towards these recent modifications. Following the release of the 3.4.0 patch, multiple Reddit discussions have emerged voicing concerns over the weakening of the CL-40 weapon.

In one of the posts, there is a demonstration of the change in destruction brought about by the 3.4.0 update. For a clearer understanding, you can check out the comparison displayed in the linked Reddit thread below.

CL-40 damage comparison pre-3.4.0 patch to now.
byu/Pink_Sink inthefinals

In response to the video comparison, a common comment noted, “Given that you heavily rely on splash damage with the CL-40, this change could be seen as a setback. With enemies surviving more frequently with just 5 health points remaining, it becomes even more challenging to accurately hit your targets. And unfortunately, many of my shots miss by just a meter.”

“The CL-40, as of late, has been causing quite a stir with players, with one individual exclaiming ‘it’s terribly flawed and completely broken’. After spending the past two days trying it out, my assessment is not about the area of effect, but rather the unpredictability. Before version 3.4.0, there was a set pattern: hitting the target resulted in more damage when struck directly, while dealing less damage as the distance increased from your player model. However, now it’s seemingly erratic.”

The new CL-40 is atrociously bad and totally fubar
byu/phoenixplum inthefinals

A user expressed attraction to the CL-40 weapon in the game, appreciating its pleasant handling and balanced power. However, they’ve noticed two adjustments that weakened it since they began playing. Another comment criticized the CL-40, lamenting the lack of appealing skins for it. A response echoed this sentiment, voicing reluctance towards being compelled to use assault rifles instead.

The community’s feedback is being taken into consideration, but no definitive actions have been announced yet. Meanwhile, unhappy players are experimenting with using other weapons like the 1887 instead of the CL-40, following its recent nerf.

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2024-07-16 13:10