The Finals dev fixes unintended buff from update 3.10.0

As a dedicated fan who’s been playing The Finals since its early days, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions about the recent update 3.10.0 from Embark. On one hand, it’s always exciting to see new content and changes in my favorite game. But on the other hand, some of these updates can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride.

It’s been a busy week for The Finals developer, Embark. They were at Gamescom 2024, and then they released a brand new update for their multiplayer shooter. This update has received a mixed reception, and Embark has fixed an unintended buff that arrived with The Finals update 3.10.0.

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve been eagerly scoping out the update 3.10.0 patch notes from our Swedish devs, intrigued by the intentional tweaks they’ve made to the game. However, I can’t help but feel a pang of disappointment among the gaming community over the apparent ‘death’ of one of the top-tier gadgets in the game. The end of Season 3 is nearing, just about a month away, and it seems like fans are more than ready for its conclusion.

Before Season 3 ends, a few more updates are due, and among them is the latest one, version 3.10.0. This update brought some adjustments or ‘nerfs’, as they’re called, but unexpectedly, it also boosted a feature that The Finals developers hadn’t planned for – an unintended ‘buff’.

Embark fixes unintentional buff from The Finals update 3.10.0

On the Finals Discord, Embark recently disclosed that they’ve rectified an unexpected boost that came along with update 3.10.0. Initially, Embark user Dusty shared a post detailing the problem:

In Update 3.10, a new experimental Cashout feature called Defender Bonus was added, designed to speed up revives for the defending team while they’re holding the cashout. However, it appears that these rapid respawns aren’t using Respawn coins as intended. Please note that this is not how the buff was supposed to work! Our team is currently working on a solution to correct this issue.

Later, community manager Walker posted a message explaining that the unintended buff was fixed:

“In the last update, Dusty informed us about an accidental boost to the Defender’s bonus. I’m happy to tell you that the fix for this issue has been released! You don’t need to restart the game; the updates will take effect after you complete your current match automatically.”

Apart from cancelling the unexpected bonus, Embark has shared reasons behind why their latest game, Arc Raiders, will not be free to play anymore.

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2024-08-23 13:11