Thank Goodness You’re Here Review: Positively bonkers

Thank Goodness You're Here Review: Positively bonkers

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I must say that Thank Goodness You’re Here has been one of the most delightfully absurd and entertaining experiences I’ve had in recent memory. The developers at Coal Supper have crafted an enchanting adventure set within the whimsical city of Barnsworth, a place where everything seems to be just a bit off-kilter.

When I walked into Thank Goodness You’re Here this year, I wasn’t sure what to anticipate. But now, I believe this game developed by Coal Supper could be among the most enjoyable and humorous adventures I’ve experienced in gaming so far. Set in the city of Barnsworth, the developers label it an “absurd comedy slapformer,” a fitting description for its silly and entertaining gameplay. Although there are moments of oversimplification and crassness, the overall experience is filled with more laughs than not due to its wacky antics.

To Barnsworth!

Blessed Arrival! Your Task is as a Mobile Entrepreneur for a Prominent Firm Expanding into Barnsworth. This City Faces Challenges. Residents Appear Disorganized and Struggling with Problem-Solving. The bakeries produce pies of inconsistent sizes, some too large, others too small, or none at all. Locksmiths are found napping on duty, a carpenter is stuck in a hole, unable to extract his arm, and a mechanic misplaces his tools regularly – these are merely a few examples.

1. In this situation, your small stature wouldn’t matter much, except that the mayor of Barnsworth is preoccupied and unavailable for some time… so you resorted to managing people’s problems using a method familiar to you: roaming around and giving things a firm whack. As it turns out, this approach works quite effectively in Barnsworth, apart from moving and bumping objects here and there.

Thank Goodness You're Here Review: Positively bonkers

In this quirky universe, actions can yield amusing outcomes. Shake some garbage sacks and you may unleash melodious rat serenades. Tap some kegs to create an abundant foam for the frothy pints at your neighborhood tavern. Step on a gutter’s clogged sludge, and you’ll clear it (along with potentially joining it). This world is brimming with interactions that range from mildly amusing to utterly bizarre. It can get somewhat crass or even disturbingly surreal, but it seldom strays far from the realm of comedic absurdity.

A slap a day keeps the problems away

Thank Goodness You're Here Review: Positively bonkers

In the captivating world of Thank Goodness You’re Here, one delightful aspect is the well-developed characters. Some of these characters encounter ongoing predicaments that progress throughout the day (take note, your ultimate goal is to meet Barnsworth’s mayor). Resolving one major character dilemma frequently introduces you to fresh parts of Barnsworth and its inhabitants dealing with new issues. It’s an enjoyable experience to witness some characters reappear, either grappling with novel difficulties or just carrying on with their daily lives.

As a gamer, I can’t help but appreciate the voice-acting and catchy soundtrack that adds charm to this quirky game. The characters deliver their lines with hilarious awkwardness, as if they’re trying to keep things going despite the absurdity. Take, for instance, the clumsy guy who got his arm stuck in a sewer grate while reaching for a coin, or the gardener who can’t seem to manage even the simplest of landscaping tasks. And yet, amid all the silliness, the game remains serene and peaceful, thanks to its soothing and melodic music that keeps the tranquility intact.

Thank Goodness You're Here Review: Positively bonkers

The approaches to assisting these individuals are often overly simplified, yet they may occasionally delve into the complex. A resident’s concerns always have a solution at hand in this game, with intuitive guidance leading you towards the right path. However, it can sometimes be unclear when and how you are meant to intervene or what actions to take in Thank Goodness You’re Here. The game lacks clear indicators of fail states or hint systems, leaving you feeling stuck at times until you figure out your role. Fortunately, I found that the game quickly acclimates you to its quirks, turning those moments into part of the amusing experience as I progressed.

O, Thank Goodness You’re Here!

Thank Goodness You're Here Review: Positively bonkers

In simpler terms, “Thank Goodness You’re Here” is unlike anything I’ve played in 2024, and I find that incredibly enjoyable. It’s filled with puzzles, but it plays out more like a long, hilarious stand-up routine. The game’s ridiculousness keeps things fresh, and there are plenty of unexpected twists and turns along the way. At first, some parts didn’t appeal to me, but I came to realize they were essential elements of the game’s quirky sense of humor. However, be warned that this game may require some very obscure solutions and provides no guidance whatsoever as you figure out its peculiar logic.

I’ve had the opportunity to play an early digital version of Thank Goodness You’re Here, graciously provided by the publisher. I can hardly contain my excitement as this game is set to be released on August 1, 2024, and will be available on PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Growing up, I’ve always been a avid gamer, and having the chance to preview a new release is like being a kid in a candy store for me. The anticipation is killing me, but I can’t wait to share my thoughts on this game once it’s officially out!

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2024-07-29 23:27