Tamil director Mohan G arrested over controversial remarks on Panchamirtham served at Pazhani temple

As a seasoned lifestyle expert with a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultural expression that cinema provides, I am deeply troubled by the recent events surrounding Tamil filmmaker Mohan G. His arrest, without prior notice or formal communication to his family, raises serious questions about due process and the respect for individual rights.

Attention: This article discusses statements potentially offensive to religious beliefs.

A TOI article mentions that Mohan G’s statements about the Panchamirtham served at the Pazhani temple have stirred debate. The article suggests that he asserted, under contention, that the Panchamirtham contains contraceptive medicines. This statement by the filmmaker ignited a storm on social media and among the general public.

After making disparaging comments, the government of Tamil Nadu moved forward with actions against him, launching an investigation. As reported by the BJP President in Chennai, Mohan G was taken into custody unexpectedly without any prior warning. His family was not made aware of this either. He expressed his concern on his social media platform, stating, “No formal information about the reason or case was provided to the family. This action contradicts a ruling by the Supreme Court.

It’s said that Mohan G was apprehended at his residence in Chennai and transported to the local police station. At this time, additional information regarding his detainment is yet to be disclosed. Presently, he remains in police custody for a comprehensive probe into the situation.

Currently, Mohan G is a well-known director in Tamil cinema, having made significant contributions over the years. He started his journey as a director with the film “Pazhaya Vannarapettai” released in 2016. Later, he directed the movie “Draupathi”, which hit the screens in 2020. Initially seen as contentious, the film ended up being a box office success. Interestingly, “Draupathi” didn’t receive backing from any producers and was instead financed through crowdfunding.

He further continued to direct films including Draupathi, Rudra Thandavam and Bakasuran. 

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2024-09-24 10:42