Summum Bonum god roll – Destiny 2

As a dedicated Destiny 2 player with countless hours spent raiding and chasing after god rolls for weapons, I can confidently say that Salvation’s Edge and the Summum Bonum sword have brought an exhilarating twist to my gaming experience. The pinnacle raid experience not only challenges my skills but also rewards me with a weapon that’s unique and worth pursuing.

As a gamer, I can tell you that Salvation’s Edge in Destiny 2 stands out as an exceptional raid experience, offering more than just a challenging boss fight. With the introduction of the Summum Bonum sword, this activity ensures its longevity in the game. Unlike most heavy weapons, which primarily focus on dealing massive damage, Summum Bonum shines when it comes to clearing out rooms filled with enemies. And trust me, getting those perfect god rolls for this weapon is an exciting pursuit that sets it apart from the rest.

How to get Summum Bonum

In simpler terms, the best weapon in The Final Shape raid, Salvation’s Edge, named Summum Bonum, can be obtained by finishing the second, fourth, and last encounters. After acquisition, it can be claimed from the final chest using Spoils of Conquest or has a chance to appear in secret chests throughout the raid’s traversal sections. Like many raid weapons, Summum Bonum can be crafted once five identical versions with red borders have been obtained.

PvE – Summum Bonum god roll

As a fan, I would describe Summum Bonum’s swords as offering powerful strikes and fluid movements, but what sets them apart is their ability to quickly dispose of enemies with minimal exertion on my part. This god roll strikes a clever balance between power and ease of use, enabling me to make the most of its impressive capabilities.

Summum Bonum god roll – PvE
BladeHungry Edge (Ammo Capacity +4)
GuardSwordmasters Guard (Charge Rate +10, Guard Resistance +10, Guard Endurance +40)
Perk 1Tireless Blade (Swords are refunded one ammo after every other powered kill)
Perk 2Chain Reaction (Each final blow with this weapon creates an elemental damage explosion)
Origin TraitCollective Purpose (Gain bonus range and handling when near allies. Bows receive faster draw time and Swords receive faster charge rate. The effect scales with the number of nearby allies)
MasterworkImpact (+10 when fully masterworked)
ModBackup Mag (+6 Ammo Capacity)

As a gamer, I pay close attention to taking down groups of enemies. To ensure a steady supply of ammo, I’d recommend incorporating Hungry Edge into my Guard setup. Keeping my energy high is crucial for unleashing more powerful Heavy attacks and managing the constant onrush of foes. To maintain that energy, consider adding Swordmaster’s Guard to your loadout due to its Charge Rate boost.

The primary benefits derive from the harmonious interaction between Tireless Blade and Chain Reaction. With each kill Chain Reaction notches up, any subsequent kills in this chain contribute towards replenishing ammo for Tireless Blade through Summum Bonum. This duo is effective and perpetuates the cycle, making it challenging for adversaries to approach your fireteam.

PvP – Summum Bonum god roll

In The Crucicle game, swords offer a unique approach compared to standard Heavy weapons. The Summum Bonum god roll is effective in accomplishing this task.

Summum Bonum god roll – PvP
BladeHoned Edge (Impact +2)
GuardBalanced Guard (Guard Endurance +40, Guard Resistance +40)
Perk 1Strategist (Weapon kills grant 10 percent Class Ability Energy)
Perk 2Vorpal Weapon (Deals increased damage to Guardians in their super ability. PVP: 20 percent)
Origin TraitCollective Purpose (Gain bonus range and handling when near allies. Bows receive faster draw time and Swords receive faster charge rate. The effect scales with the number of nearby allies)
MasterworkImpact (+10 when fully masterworked)
ModQuick Access Sling (Decreases ready and stow animation by 10 percent)

To effectively land powerful blows, begin by enhancing your edge with Honed Edge for increased impact. This will allow you to deal more damage against opponents protected by overshields or in the midst of using their super abilities. Next, employ Balanced Guard which fortifies Summum Bonum’s block, enabling it to endure stronger hits and last longer. This makes it an excellent choice for bridging gaps or turning the tide in unfavorable situations.

The initial advantage is having the role of a Strategist: With each kill, you regain some energy for your Class abilities. This puts you at an edge during subsequent battles. Additionally, Vorpal Weapon provides a significant 20% damage increase against opponents in their Super state. This potent strike could save your entire team from being eliminated, and preventing a wipe might be the key to winning even the most challenging matches.

As a big fan of Destiny 2, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the joy I get from using the Summum Bonum god roll. It’s not what most people go for when it comes to Heavy weapons, but that’s exactly what makes it stand out. For those eager to keep up with all the latest happenings in The Final Shape, be sure to check out the comprehensive strategy guide on Shacknews’ Guardian essential website.

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2024-07-16 10:02