Sims 4’s Funniest New Resident!

The Sims 4 never fails to surprise, but this time, things are getting truly bizarre. A mysterious new NPC has appeared, and something about them just doesn’t feel right. From their unusual name to their strange habits, players are already deep into speculation. Here’s everything you need to know about the latest bizarre news from the world of The Sims.

Who is Trashley Reelpearson?

Trashley Reelpearson might look like an ordinary Sim, but there’s something suspicious about them. Dressed in a long trench coat and black hat, they do their best to blend in, yet a bushy tail occasionally peeks out from behind. Players quickly realized that Trashley isn’t just another townie but something much stranger. In reality, this character is actually three raccoons stacked on top of each other, doing their best to pass as a regular Sim.

This unusual NPC was introduced in The Sims 4: Businesses & Hobbies expansion pack. Despite their best efforts to act normal, Trashley’s bizarre presence has sparked curiosity among players, who have been eager to uncover more about this mysterious character.

Where to Find Trashley & What They Do

Trashley isn’t wandering just anywhere – they can be found in the Iverstad neighborhood of Nordhaven, but only at night. The best place to spot them is in the back alley behind the red-painted buildings, near a cluster of trash bins. If you head there around 1 AM, you’re most likely to catch a glimpse of them. The easiest way to reach this location is by starting at the Sarpong household and making your way to the nearby alleyway, which stands out thanks to its graffiti-covered walls and scattered garbage.

But Trashley isn’t just there for show – they actually run a small shop called the Good Company Store. Here, they sell a variety of odd items, including Trash Fruit, Inspired Potions, and even a Business Fee Reimbursement form. Players have also discovered a Mysterious Note hidden in one of the nearby bins, which hints at the store’s schedule. According to the note, Trashley’s shop is open every evening after 5 PM, except when they are “busy.” Whether you’re looking for unique items or just an amusing encounter, this NPC is one of the strangest additions to The Sims 4.

People have already pointed out the similarity to Vincent Adultman from Bojack Horseman, but only the real ones know it’s a reference to the Four Babies in a Trenchcoat from Drawn Together. By the way, the reason behind the “raccoons love trash” running gag is that raccoons are intelligent omnivores. That, paired with their great sense of smell, allows them to spot strong-smelling trash and anything edible in sight.

Do you think Trashley is the best NPC addition to the game, or do you have another favorite? Tell us in the comments!

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2025-03-15 22:10