Should you tell Eleera about the Pyke traitor or save the information for Gorak – Star Wars Outlaws

Should you tell Eleera about the Pyke traitor or save the information for Gorak - Star Wars Outlaws

As a seasoned space-faring rogue who’s navigated the treacherous waters of the galaxy’s underbelly, I’d say it’s best to keep your cards close to your chest regarding the Pyke traitor, at least for now. You see, I’ve learned the hard way that information is power, and in the right hands, it can be more valuable than a fully-laden freighter.

In Star Wars Outlaws, information is readily available if you know the right places to search. As you explore, you’ll uncover a traitor within the Pyke Syndicate. The question arises: Should you share this knowledge with Eleera, or keep it hidden until Gorak can make use of it?

Should you tell Eleera or Gorak about the Pyke traitor?

It’s advisable to hold onto the info regarding Gorak for a couple of reasons. Initially, you’re on the verge of receiving a quest from Crimson Dawn, which means you’ll build some standing by completing that task. Moreover, you’ll shortly need a crucial item, and it’d be more convenient to obtain it from the Pyke region within the settlement.

As a fan, I’d share with Gorak that by securing a reputation boost among the Pykes, you can casually navigate into their territory without much hassle, provided you avoid any suspicious activities that could lead to trouble. This move not only expedites the completion of the upcoming mission tasks, but also grants you access to their thrilling Kessel Sabacc games.

Should you tell Eleera about the Pyke traitor or save the information for Gorak - Star Wars Outlaws

You can also grab some easy additional intel in there that will help you earn money while gambling. Finally, you’ll even get a whole other spin-off mission when you are approached by an Empire captain who has some info to sell to Gorak, and it’s up to you to decide what you want to do with that info.

Since you’re currently involved in tasks for Crimson Dawn, you’ve already established a solid foundation with them. At present, additional reputation points won’t significantly advance your plans with them. Continue progressing through the main storyline, and you’ll naturally accrue more reputation with them over time.

In the current stage of the game, having the freedom to explore Pyke’s regions unhindered and plundering them without restraint certainly offers an advantage. Just remember not to get caught red-handed.

Essentially, who you choose to confide in now isn’t crucial because, at this stage of the game, it’s relatively simple to either harm or mend relationships with all factions. By playing your hand wisely for the next hour or so, you’ll be well on your way to making a good impression with the Crimson Dawn, the Pykes, and the Hutts.

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2024-08-27 18:57