ShackStream: Spectre Divide Closed Beta gameplay with Twitch drops

As a hardcore FPS enthusiast with over two decades of gaming under my belt (and thousands upon thousands of hours spent in various shooters), I can’t help but feel a rush of anticipation as Spectre Divide‘s Closed Beta kicks off today! With Mountaintop Studios extending us the privilege to stream this tantalizing tactical shooter, I’m eagerly counting down the minutes until the servers open.

Today marks the start of the closed beta for Spectre Divide, the newest addition to the tactical shooter genre. We’ve been given a key by Mountaintop Studios, and we’ll be streaming our gameplay as soon as the servers are live. Join us to find out what this new strategic shooting experience has to offer!

Today at 9 a.m. Pacific Time/12 p.m. Eastern Time, we kick off our Spectre Divide live stream on the Shacknews Twitch channel. Don’t miss out on this exciting new tactical shooter and grab some Twitch Drops! By tuning in to Spectre Divide streams, you could even win yourself some Closed Beta access.

In this stream, it’ll be yours truly, Shacknews’ dedicated First-Person Shooter expert Donovan (that’s me!), leading the way. Feel free to share your opinions on the game, pick up tips, and join an engaging discussion about the current state of the first-person shooter genre as we delve into Spectre Divide side by side.

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2024-08-13 18:57