The popular, unanticipated Apple TV show “Severance” returns for Season 2 and offers an exciting surprise with the appearance of beloved actor Keanu Reeves. This series centers around the unusual experiences of employees at Lumon Industries, a biotech company where workers undergo a medical process to split their office persona from their everyday self. Adam Scott’s character Mark Scout guides the storyline as he works in Lumon’s Macrodata Refinement division alongside a chosen team of coworkers.
In contrast to the sci-fi psychological drama’s ensemble of well-known TV actors, it has previously avoided hiring popular A-list Hollywood stars. But this rule was broken when the creator of Severance, Dan Erickson, confirmed that Keanu Reeves will appear in Season 2.
Severance Season 2 stars Keanu Reeves as the voice of Lumon Building
During our latest chat, it came to light that Keanu Reeves provided the voice for the Lumon building in the “Lumon is Listening” scene from the opening episode of the second season.
In a conversation with Carly Lane from Collider, the well-known TV screenwriter revealed that Keanu Reeves will appear in an unacknowledged capacity for Severance Season 2. They also shared insights about their decision to cast Reeves initially.
Erickson mentioned that we discussed several candidates for the role, aiming for someone who carries specific positive connotations while also maintaining a welcoming demeanor. He further explained that in this video, the Lumon building seems friendly, and the voice associated with it has a warm and compassionate quality.
In the first episode of Severance Season 2, employees from the Macrodata Refinement division are presented with a video titled “Lumon is Listening.” The aim was to demonstrate Lumon Industries’ commitment to addressing their concerns and quell any potential employee uprisings that were prominent in the Season 1 finale. However, it quickly becomes apparent that this video was more of a soothing gesture rather than bringing about real changes to improve workers’ conditions.
New episodes of Severance Season 2 premiere each Friday on Apple TV+ at 12 AM PT.
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2025-01-22 15:40