Scorched Earth bonus Event Point Hunters – Hunt: Showdown 1896

Scorched Earth bonus Event Point Hunters - Hunt: Showdown 1896

As a dedicated Hunt: Showdown player who’s been through the swamps of Louisiana more times than I care to remember, this Scorched Earth event has brought a fresh twist to the game! The ability to earn bonus Event Points by choosing specific Hunters is a clever mechanic that adds an extra layer of strategy.

In the game Hunt: Showdown, set in 1896, a Scorched Earth event has taken place, prompting players to scramble and accumulate Event Points. To facilitate this, Crytek has bestowed certain Hunters with a passive skill that boosts their Event Point earnings. By opting for these special Hunters, players can enhance the amount of EP they gain per match.

Scorched Earth – Hunters with Event Point boost

Scorched Earth bonus Event Point Hunters - Hunt: Showdown 1896

The Scorched Earth event lets players earn Event Points, which is what’s used to level up the Battle Pass. Player can earn 10 percent more Event Points by playing with one of the following Hunters. Each of these Hunters will have a little red mark on their image and when you’re in a match, a symbol will appear on the lower-left corner of the screen.

  • Carter
  • Grotesque: Gouge
  • Grotesque: Shank
  • Marshall Brewer
  • Mountie
  • Scourge: Midian
  • Scourge: Morrigan
  • Sea Wolf
  • Shade: Drifter
  • Sheriff Hardin
  • The Cowl
  • The Mountain Man
  • Trapper: Buckshot
  • Trapper: Snare
  • Vaquero
  • Wight Raven

In the Battle Pass, the latest Legendary Hunter, Shade: Drifter, has an extra ability to gain 10% more Event Points. If you have any of these Hunters, it will enhance your in-game point earnings, but this bonus does not extend to the Scorched Earth Weekly Challenges.

Scorched Earth bonus Event Point Hunters - Hunt: Showdown 1896

Although 10% may appear insignificant initially, it accumulates significantly over the duration of the event. Remember that these Hunters will require some Hunt Dollars for acquisition, and they don’t come equipped with any gear. Therefore, ensure you continue to earn those dollars whenever possible.

Choose a Hunter from the provided list to gain a 10% bonus in earning Event Points. This will aid you in progressing through the Battle Pass a bit quicker. For assistance with Scorched Earth, the latest Mammon’s Gulch map, and other features, visit our Hunt: Showdown 1896 page.

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2024-08-19 09:57