Palworld Pals Tier List (March 2025): The Best Pals That You Shouldn’t Miss Out On

If you’re curious to discover the top Pals in Palworld, this is exactly where you want to be!

In case you’re aware, Palworld features approximately 100 diverse characters known as Pals, each equipped with a distinct Partner Skill and assortment of capabilities suitable for tasks like foraging, fighting, base construction, resource collection, and various other activities.

Choosing which Pals to use in the game can be overwhelming, given the extensive collection that includes types like Alpha Pals, Lucky Pals (also known as Shiny Pals), and Fusion Pals, which are created through Breeding.

Based on the early access period, the information available about Pals in the game, as well as the feedback from the gaming community and content creators, we have compiled a definitive Palworld Ranking. This list showcases every Pal in the game ranked according to their respective positions.

The Best Palworld Tier List

There are several factors that we have taken into account to rank the Pals under the S to D tiers.

Additionally, we’ll regularly adjust the position of the Pals within the hierarchy according to their current achievements.

That being said, here is the tier list for Palworld early access:

SSelyne, King of the Forest (Alpha Mammorest), Guardian of the Dark Sun (Alpha Anubis), Master of the Flame Sky (Alpha Faleris), Guardian of the Forest (Alpha Mossanda), Unyielding Colossus (Alpha Warsect), Supreme Fluff Commander (Alpha Kingpaca), Magma-born Juggernaut (Alpha Reptyro), Messenger of Snow Catastrophe (Alpha Sibelyx), King of Thunder (Alpha Boltmane), Queen of Lilies (Alpha Lyleen), Empress of the Hive (Alpha Elizabee), Queen of the Lake (Alpha Azurobe), Ravager of Stars (Alpha Astegon), Lord of the Darkness (Alpha Dragostrophe), Dexterous Primate (Alpha Tanzee), Woodland Ruffian (Alpha Rushoar), Heart-melting Smile (Alpha Ribbuny), Archer of the Sands (Alpha Robinquill Terra), Dancer on the Plains (Alpha Chillet), Swift Deity (Univolt), Electro-charged Zoomies (Alpha Rayhound), Vagrant Warrior (Alpha Bushi), Gentle Sky Dragon (Alpha Elphidran), Child of the Deep (Alpha Kelpsea), Gluttonous Thunder Dragon (Alpha Relaxaurus Lux), Magma-born Juggernaut (Alpha Reptyro), Azure Fluff Commander (Alpha Kingpaca Cryst), Guardian of the Snowy Mountain (Alpha Wumpo), Wings of White (Alpha Quivern), Cursed Tyrant (Alpha Blazamut), Unstoppable Stinger (Alpha Menasting), Emperor of the Sea (Alpha Jormuntide), Unknown Life Form (Alpha Shadowbeak), Legendary Steed of Ice (Alpha Frostallion), Legendary Celestial Dragon (Alpha Jetragon)
AMammorest, Anubis, Faleris, Mossanda, Warsect, Kingpaca, Reptyro, Sibelyx, Boltmane, Lyleen, Elizabee, Azurobe, Astegon, Dragostrophe, Tanzee, Rushoar, Ribbuny, Robinquill Terra, Chillet, Univolt, Rayhound, Bushi, Elphidran, Kelpsea, Relaxaurus Lux, Reptyro, Kingpaca Cryst, Wumpo, Quivern, Blazamut, Menasting, Jormuntide, Shadowbeak, Frostallion, Jetragon, Necromus, Paladius, Orserk, Lyleen Noct, Grizzbolt
BWoolipop, Caprity, Melpaca, Eikthyrdeer, Eikthyrdeer Terra, Nitewing, Incineram, Incineram Noct, Cinnamoth, Arsox, Dumud, Cawgnito, Leezpunk, Leezpunk Ignis, Loupmoon, Galeclaw, Robinquill,
CNox, Fuddler, Killamari, Mau, Mau Cryst, Celaray, Direhowl, Tocotoco, Flopie, Mozzarina, Bristla, Gobfin, Gobfin Ignis, Hangyu, Hangyu Cryst
DLamball, Cattiva, Tocotoco, Lifmunk, Tanzee, Hoocrates, Penking, Fuack, Gumoss, Teafant, Rooby, Foxparks, Pengullet, Jolthog, Jolthog Cryst, Gumoss, Vixy, Depresso, Cremis, Daedream

Best Pals In Palworld

Here are the best Pals that you should have in Palworld:

  • King of the Forest (Alpha Mammorest)
  • Guardian of the Dark Sun (Alpha Anubis)
  • Master of the Flame Sky (Alpha Faleris)
  • Guardian of the Forest (Alpha Mossanda)
  • Unyielding Colossus (Alpha Warsect)
  • Supreme Fluff Commander (Alpha Kingpaca)
  • Magma-born Juggernaut (Alpha Reptyro)
  • Messenger of Snow Catastrophe (Alpha Sibelyx)
  • King of Thunder (Alpha Boltmane)
  • Queen of Lilies (Alpha Lyleen)
  • Empress of the Hive (Alpha Elizabee)
  • Queen of the Lake (Alpha Azurobe)
  • Ravager of Stars (Alpha Astegon)
  • Lord of the Darkness (Alpha Dragostrophe)
  • Dexterous Primate (Alpha Tanzee)
  • Woodland Ruffian (Alpha Rushoar)
  • Heart-melting Smile (Alpha Ribbuny)
  • Archer of the Sands (Alpha Robinquill Terra)
  • Dancer on the Plains (Alpha Chillet)
  • Swift Deity (Alpha Univolt)
  • Electro-charged Zoomies (Alpha Rayhound)
  • Vagrant Warrior (Alpha Bushi)
  • Gentle Sky Dragon (Alpha Elphidran)
  • Child of the Deep (Alpha Kelpsea)
  • Gluttonous Thunder Dragon (Alpha Relaxaurus Lux)
  • Magma-born Juggernaut (Alpha Reptyro)
  • Azure Fluff Commander (Alpha Kingpaca Cryst)
  • Guardian of the Snowy Mountain (Alpha Wumpo)
  • Wings of White (Alpha Quivern)
  • Cursed Tyrant (Alpha Blazamut)
  • Unstoppable Stinger (Alpha Menasting)
  • Emperor of the Sea (Alpha Jormuntide)
  • Unknown Life Form (Alpha Shadowbeak)
  • Legendary Steed of Ice (Alpha Frostallion)
  • Legendary Celestial Dragon (Alpha Jetragon)

That sums up our Palworld Pals tier list.

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2025-03-20 12:04