Is The Decameron Over? Is It Canceled or Renewed for More Seasons?

Has the first season of “The Decameron” been the last one released? Since its debut, this dark comedy series has garnered acclaim for its impressive acting, humorous narrative, and opulent costumes. Based in 1348, it follows a group of nobles escaping to a lavish countryside villa during a pandemic. With all episodes now streaming on Netflix, viewers are curious if “The Decameron” has been canceled or renewed for additional seasons.

Billy Kane revealed for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

In the roster for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, another familiar character has been announced this week. This time, it’s Billy Kane, Geese Howard’s former right-hand man, who makes an appearance. He has left behind his distinctive UK bandana but carries on with his chain staff and fire-throwing skills. Additionally, he brings some new moves to the table.

How to get Malfeasance – Destiny 2

The Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon in Destiny 2 is a Taken-killing monster. Unfortunately, acquiring the Malfeasance Hand Cannon is no simple task. The reason for this is that the quest, Darkness in the Light, is only dropped by Primeval bosses in Gambit. Even after acquiring the quest to unlock Malfeasance, the difficulty doesn’t end there. Players will need to contend with bosses that require killing, a unique Strike, and a long romp through dozens of Gambit matches. Who’d of thought that an Exotic Hand Cannon from 2018 would still be relevant all these years later?

How to Watch Minions & More 1 Online

If you’re looking for where to stream “Minions & More 1” online, you’ve landed on the perfect post! I’ll share all the necessary details with you, so be sure to keep reading.