Title Character Introduction: Get to know Chris Wang, who goes by Izaac Wang, resides in Fremont, California with his sister Vivian (Shirley Chen), mother Chungsing (Joan Chen), and grandmother Nai Nai (Chang Li Hua). As a 13-year-old, he’s experiencing the typical growing pains that come with this age. Social awkwardness is a struggle for him, his romantic interests remain out of reach, and family dynamics are challenging. The film “Didi,” directed by Sean Wang, focuses on Chris in August 2008. This isn’t just the month when M.I.A.’s “Paper Planes” took over the Billboard Hot 100 charts; it also marks a significant period of change for Chris. High school is approaching, and his sister is preparing to leave for college, leaving him amidst a whirlwind of upheaval. However, Chris is about to learn some hard life lessons, especially when he begins bonding with older skateboarders as new friends.