Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that the Forsaken Giant boss in Once Human is one of the most challenging encounters I have faced in the game so far. Having spent countless hours trying different strategies and builds to defeat this colossal foe, I am now sharing my hard-earned knowledge with you all.

The long-awaited boss battle against the colossus known as the Forsaken Giant has arrived! Conquering this formidable foe grants us entry into the Pro Mode within the game’s Once Human expansion. Situated in Nalcott Island’s Red Sands region, the Forsaken Giant is currently among the most challenging bosses to defeat in the game.

As a devoted fan of Once Human, I’ve noticed that tackling most Monolith bosses feels like a routine DPS check, allowing various builds to strut their stuff. However, when it comes to the Forsaken Giant, buckle up for an exhilarating ride! This boss is unlike any other, with distinct phases that refuse to be bypassed, regardless of how potent your gaming setup might be.

Speaking of which, overcoming the Forsaken Giant in a group setting is no easy feat due to its arsenal of attacks capable of shattering your protective gear and instantly defeating you. In the Solo Pro Mode, this challenge intensifies significantly.

After running through the Forsaken Giant boss battle in Once Human’s Solo Pro Mode several times, I’ve put together this comprehensive guide filled with useful tips and strategies for conquering this challenging foe.

How To Beat Forsaken Giant Boss In Pro Mode In Once Human

Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

In the game “Once Human,” to defeat the Forsaken Giant boss, focus on hitting the boss’s shining vulnerabilities. These are the only areas that will significantly reduce its health points when attacked. Attacking other parts of its body or weak spots when they’re not glowing won’t inflict much damage.

If you’ve encountered your boss at least once before, then you may be familiar with the fundamentals I’m about to share. For the convenience of the gamers, I’ve identified and highlighted the six vulnerable areas on the Forsaken Giant.

  1. Left biceps long head
  2. Right biceps long head
  3. Stomach
  4. Left palm
  5. Right palm
  6. Face

After setting that aside, it’s crucial to understand the boss arena’s layout. This area is split into three distinct sectors that you can distinguish by looking for the parallel wood lines on the ground.

Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

As a gamer stepping into the boss arena against the formidable Forsaken Giant, I recommend taking the offensive first. Upon entering the arena, make a beeline for the leftmost corner without provoking an immediate assault from your colossal adversary.

Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

If you aim for the left bicep’s long head muscle, the vulnerable spot will become visible just as the Forsaken Giant readies a hand slam attack. This attack causes an area-of-effect wave damage. You can leap or dodge to the left to avoid it.

With certainty, following the given instructions will help you successfully complete the initial stage against the boss. By inflicting sufficient harm on the indicated vulnerable area, another palm will soon become exposed as the subsequent weak spot.

Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

The moment the weakness on the palm becomes visible and glows, signaling the Forsaken Giant’s upcoming wide swipe attack, is when you should start running.

  • Left palm glowing: Swipe attack will come from left to right side of the arena
  • Right palm glowing: Swipe attack will come from the right to the left side of the arena

Based on which hand is radiating light, you have two options: dash to the other side of the arena to stay clear or confront it and recover. Moreover, having the Festering Gel Deviant as an ally proves beneficial during this battle.

Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

During your opponent’s entire attack, you will encounter three chances to harm the palm’s vulnerable spot: initially, as the palm begins to emit a glow; next, during the broad sweep motion heading toward you; lastly, when the Forsaken Giant aligns his hands.

Based on my extensive experience in strategic combat, I strongly suggest that you consider attacking during the second or third window of opportunity. However, let me emphasize that this advice comes with a caveat from my own battles hard-won: your first priority should always be to run towards the opposite end of the arena when you spot the weak point.

Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

After inflicting sufficient harm and moving beyond his initial attack, the Forsaken Giant may display signs of distress, such as clutching his belly or weeping. During these moments, target the vulnerable area on his head when he’s crying. Alternatively, while he’s holding his belly, take advantage of the nearby flowers on the ground to strike his fist and expose the weak spot that you can then damage.

Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

In the upcoming stage, a warning message will pop up, reading “Caution: The colossal outcast is preparing to demolish the amphitheater,” and a crimson beam of light will emerge from above, hovering over your head. I mentioned earlier that the arena consists of three distinct areas.

During this stage of the battle, it’s essential to remain on either the left or right side. Once the red beam vanishes, glance upwards, and when the Forsaken Giant is preparing to smash the ground, leap to avoid being hit by a widespread AoE attack.

For every segment, you can endure up to three strong hits before it splits; hence, be prepared to shift to the subsequent part once the foe employs the identical attack repeatedly.

During this battle, focus on striking the vulnerabilities of the floater enemies and the elite enemy that the boss summons. Disregard the other mobs as they will be eliminated by the boss’s assaults.

Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

You can dodge the orb assaults by moving in any direction while focusing on striking the vulnerable points.

In some cases, certain Slam attack variations come more rapidly. With adequate armor equipped, including defensive items such as Chloro-Armor and Festering Gel Deviant, you’ll find the boss encounter significantly less challenging.

if you’re encountering difficulties with your supervisor or require assistance with your project, feel free to ask for my help in the comment section. I’ll be glad to lend a hand.

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2024-07-29 17:10