Monster Hunter Wilds Weather Mechanic Explained

This article delves into the intricate weather system found in Monster Hunter Wilds, which influences every plant and animal within the game.

The weather significantly influences the gameplay of Monster Hunter Wilds. It affects various aspects such as monster spawn rates, behaviors, and even the appearance of many creatures. Moreover, the diverse ecosystems within the game are greatly impacted by the dynamic weather system.

In this post, we’ll delve into the intricate details of the weather system in Monster Hunter Wilds. The game features three distinct weather patterns that follow a cyclic order. We’ll discuss how each weather type influences your hunting experience and which monsters are likely to appear under specific conditions.

How Many Weather Conditions Are There in Monster Hunter Wilds?

There are three weather conditions in Monster Hunter Wilds:

  • Fallow
  • Plenty
  • Inclemency

In the weather system of Monster Hunter Wilds, there’s a recurring pattern: it starts with Fallow, then moves to Inclemency, and eventually reaches Plenty. This cycle continuously repeats, and during the Inclemency phase, it has a significant connection to the Apex monster in each region.

What is Fallow Weather in Monster Hunter Wilds?

In Monster Hunter Worlds, Fallow refers to a barren and arid climate. It’s essentially an unfavorable or challenging weather condition, as it results in sparse vegetation and wildlife throughout the game’s environment. The landscape becomes desolate, resembling a desert in certain areas. During this season, various monsters such as the large, small, and unique endemic ones are scarcely found.

Typically speaking, when we’re referring to the Fallow period, it implies that the resources you acquire are scarce. If your game involves missions requiring the capture of certain lifeforms, the Fallow period may not be the optimal time for such activities.

What is Plenty Weather in Monster Hunter Wilds?

In Monster Hunter Wilds, Plenty weather signifies a thriving season teeming with various life forms. This contrasts sharply with Fallow weather, and it is the favorable or optimal weather condition in the game. During this lush period, monsters, resources, and diverse plant and animal life flourish.

In the thrilling journey through Monster Hunter World, I’ve noticed a distinct preference among the villagers of Kunafa, especially towards the Plenty season as opposed to Fallow.

What is Inclemency Weather in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Essentially, the Inclemency weather system signifies a turbulent period, marking the shift from barren times (Fallow) to abundance (Plenty) within Monster Hunter Wilds. This turbulence manifests uniquely across each game region and serves as an indicator of the local Apex Monster’s presence.

In this write-up, you’ll find information about Inclement weather situations, covering the regions where they occur and the Legendary Beasts they bring forth in Monster Hunter Wildspires.

Inclemency WeatherRegion That Is AffectedMonster(s) Summoned
SandtideWindward PlainsRey Dau
DownpourScarlet ForestUth Duna
FiespringOilwell BasinNu Udra
FrostwindsIceshard CliffsJin Dahaad
Wyvern’s WakeningRuins of WyveriaMore Guardian Monsters

Here are more details on each of the Inclemency Weather conditions in Monster Hunter Wilds:

1) Sandtide

The phenomenon known as Sandtide impacts exclusively the Windward Plains, and you’ll encounter this term for the first time during a crucial quest in Kunafa village. Sandtide is associated with Rey Dau, the dominant monster of this area that wields the Thunder element.

During the Sandtide, expect continuous lightning and sandstorms with frequent ground strikes from the bolts of lightning. Defeating Rey Dau usually hastens the end of the Sandtide. Additionally, it becomes harder to maintain your balance during these times due to the Sandtide condition.

2) Downpour

In the realm of Monster Hunter Wilds, the Scarlet Forest is experiencing a weather phenomenon linked to Uth Duna, the Apex Monster. This weather condition results in intense rainfall across the Scarlet Forest and some areas may even experience flooding. Notably, engaging with Uth Duna during this time puts you at risk of contracting the Waterblight status effect.

It appears that overcoming Uth Duna at present could potentially reduce the duration of the Downpour noticeably.

3) Firespring

In Monster Hunter Wilds, I’ve discovered that the intense heat we’re experiencing is due to Nu Udra, the supreme beast of the Oilwell Basin region. Interestingly enough, you’ll encounter this very same monster, known as The Black Flame, during the main storyline in Azuz Village. Furthermore, it’s during the Firespring Inclemency period in Monster Hunter Wilds that the Everforge remains active.

In the game Monster Hunter Wilds, there’s a powerful creature called Nu Udra that causes extreme weather conditions like the one we’re currently experiencing. You’ll meet this monster, known as The Black Flame, during the main story quest in Azuz Village. During specific periods in the game called Firespring Inclemency, an important artifact called Everforge remains active.

In Udra, there’s an element of Fire, and during Firespring, the Oilwell Basin region turns a fiery red. Volcanic eruptions are frequent, with molten lava flowing from craters, making the area quite warm. Typically, you need to use Cool Drink or Chillmantle Bugs to counteract the intense heat.

4) Frostwinds

At times, chilly gusts of wind sweep across the Iceshard Cliffs, making the environment quite frosty. To combat the chill, you’ll need to take precautions such as drinking something hot or finding local hot peppers to create a warm beverage and sip on it.

Jin Dahaad will make an appearance when the Frostwinds are blowing. This is similar to a Siege battle in Monster Hunter World, and you’ll need to travel to a designated area to engage it. Defeating Jin Dahaad not only results in victory but also hastens the end of the Frostwinds weather.

5) Wyveria’s Wakening

In Monster Hunter Wilds, the unusual weather today sets it apart from other conditions. Unlike normal times, no Apex monster is summoned during this period. Instead, a greater variety of Guardian monsters appear. Additionally, you’ll notice an increase in Wylk pools, which means encounters with these Guardians could last longer because they move to absorb the Wylk, making fights more challenging.

How to Check Weather in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Typically, you can observe your surroundings to figure out the current weather. However, in Monster Hunter Wilds, the region’s weather is constantly shown at the bottom-left corner of your screen, next to the minimap for easy access. Additionally, you can check the main Map to get a detailed look at the weather conditions.

How to Change Weather in Monster Hunter Wilds?

In Monster Hunter Wilds, I’ve got the power to alter the weather right from within my cozy tent! The Base Camp and every Pop-up Camp come equipped with a nifty little feature that allows me to manipulate the weather mechanics, making my hunting adventures even more exciting.

Here are the steps to change the weather from your tent in Monster Hunter Wilds:

  • Go inside your tent.
  • Open the Grill tab.
  • Click on the  Rest option.
  • You can change the time of the day and the weather condition from here.

Note that altering the weather condition in Monster Hunter Wilds requires 300 Guild Points. After making your selection and paying the fee, the weather will immediately adjust to your chosen option.

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2025-03-01 09:16