Millie Bobby Brown eyes continued Netflix dominance with Nineteen Steps adaptation

Millie Bobby Brown eyes continued Netflix dominance with Nineteen Steps adaptation

As a die-hard fan of Millie Bobby Brown, I can confidently say that she has truly made Netflix her home! Her magical touch and captivating storytelling have turned the streaming service into her personal kingdom.

Millie Bobby Brown calls Netflix her home, and she resides here! Having conquered dragons and the Upside Down for the streaming platform, the young and undoubtedly brilliant Netflix star aims to retain her Netflix Queen title with the film adaptation of her debut novel, “Nineteen Steps,” which is in development at Netflix according to Deadline’s exclusive report.

In September 2023, Brown published her highly-acclaimed historical fiction novel “Nineteen Steps“, and as reported by Deadline, the Emmy Award-nominated star of “Stranger Things” plans to produce the adaptation and may even make an appearance. Additionally, Anthony McCarten is set to write the script, with Jonathan Eirich producing and Nick Reynolds executive producing.

Since making waves in the smash hit sci-fi horror series “Stranger Things,” I’ve been fortunate enough to keep working with Netflix, absolutely crushing it in every role. So far, I’ve appeared in three blockbuster movies on Netflix – “Enola Holmes” and its sequel, as well as “Damsel” – with another one lined up for early 2025 (March, according to Deadline). I can’t wait to join forces with the Russo Brothers for their upcoming sci-fi film, “The Electric State.”

Netflix adapting Millie Bobby Brown’s book into a movie

As a devoted admirer, I couldn’t help but feel instinctive certainty when Brown unveiled “Nineteen Steps.” Her stature as both an accomplished actress and producer, coupled with her knack for intriguing titles, made it seem almost inevitable that she would one day bring this story to the silver screen. Given her strong bond with Netflix, it seemed only fitting that this deeply personal tale, reminiscent of her debut novel’s roots in her family’s WWII experiences, would find a loving home on their platform.

With a new paperback edition of “Nineteen Steps ” due out on September 12, there’s currently no confirmation from Netflix regarding a potential film adaptation. At this point, it seems that the project is still in its infancy stages for transitioning to the Netflix screen. However, there’s much more Millie Bobby Brown content to look forward to on Netflix before this story makes its way to life!

Previously noted, Brown will appear in “The Electric State” on Netflix at some point next year, while the fifth and final season of “Stranger Things” is scheduled to debut in 2025 on the streaming platform. Filming for season 5 continues, but recently, the actress from Eleven shared a series of photos from behind the scenes on the set of the much-anticipated new season that promises to be both emotional and exciting.

Besides “Nineteen Steps” being under production on Netflix, it has also been confirmed that another sequel for “Enola Holmes” is in the pipeline at the streaming service. The initial two movies featuring the teen detective premiered on Netflix in 2020 and 2022, earning both critical praise and a large following. However, nothing quite approached the viewership numbers achieved by “Damsel,” released in 2024 by author Brown.

The dark fantasy film adapted from the same-titled book is currently ranked as the 7th most watched English-language original movie on Netflix ever, having garnered over 138 million views so far. This is what makes Millie Bobby Brown a powerful and captivating presence on Netflix, drawing viewers in with her storytelling abilities, and her novel was indeed a compelling one to bring to life.

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2024-08-19 21:33