Malayalam director Ranjith breaks silence after Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra accuses him of misconduct

As a dedicated follower who values the courage and integrity of women like Sreelekha Mitra, I find her account deeply troubling and saddening. The fact that she had to endure such an ordeal during the course of her profession is unacceptable.

The acclaimed Bengali actress, Sreelekha Mitra, has alleged that renowned Malayalam filmmaker, Ranjith, displayed unprofessional and inappropriate behavior towards her while they were working together on the set of Paleri Manikyam between 2009 and 2010.

In reaction to the actress’ claims, the director publicly maintained his innocence and dismissed the allegations. Speaking to local press, he explained that the actress was not chosen for the role in Paleri Manikyam as she didn’t fit the character well, rather than due to any improper conduct on his part.

In my role as a lifestyle advisor, I want to clarify a matter that has been circulating recently in relation to the Hema Committee report, particularly the allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination within the Malayalam film industry. To set the record straight, I wish to emphasize that I never harbored any malicious intentions towards her. The accusations levied against me are unsubstantiated, and I believe it’s crucial for everyone involved to understand this fact.

Based on various news accounts, Sreelekha Mitra claimed that Ranjith’s conduct made her feel uneasy. She stated that at a party held for the film’s team, the director asked her to join him in his hotel room, citing the need to discuss the project as the reason.

In fact, she confided that when they were together, his actions became inappropriate, such as touching her hair, neck, and jewelry. The actress herself admitted to this, stating, “He was fiddling with my bangles. I felt uneasy, but chose to give him the chance to explain himself.”

As an ardent fan, I confess that I spent the whole night tossing and turning in my hotel room, gripped by fear following the unsettling event. I took it upon myself to voice my concerns directly to director Joshi through a formal complaint about the situation. Regrettably, despite my efforts, no one seemed to take notice or make any attempt to rectify the issue, leaving me feeling disheartened and unheard.

The actress shared that her disagreements with the director’s actions resulted in her missing out on multiple chances within the Malayalam movie industry. She voiced her annoyance, explaining that she wasn’t given enough funds to travel back home either.

Mitra invites individuals who’ve gone through comparable situations to step up and lodge grievances, advocating for the creation of task forces akin to the Hema Committee in various film industries, offering assistance to those affected.

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2024-08-23 20:07