LoL: Jungle Tier List For Patch 14.14

As a seasoned League of Legends player with over a decade of experience under my belt, I can confidently tell you that some champions are just not worth your time and effort. Having played through numerous patches and metas, I’ve come to learn that certain champions, especially those in the F-tier, are best avoided if you want to win games consistently.

In more simple terms, Naafiri is now a useful character in the jungle setting. However, does her addition affect the current strategies or gameplay dynamics significantly?

Instead of “Well, that’s what we’re here to find out, and we’re going to give you insights into the best jungle champions in the current meta,” you could say: “Let’s discover together which jungle champions are performing optimally in the current game meta, and I’ll provide you with valuable information on that topic.”

Jungle Lane Tier List: S-Tier Jungle Lane Picks Of LoL Patch 14.14

3. Udyr

Udyr is sitting on a 51.47% win rate right now. 


Udyr is a champion who excels as an Assassin-Tank in the jungle, prioritizing mobility. Start with the blue jungle item, then construct Liandry’s Angraindment. Next, acquire Dead Man’s Plate and Jak’Sho: Ancient Keg. For your final items, consider the enemy team composition. Against teams with heavy AD auto-attack damage, choose Thornmail or Frozen Heart. In contrast, against substantial AP damage dealers, opt for Abyssal Mask or Force of Nature.

Power Spikes:

Udyr becomes more active with Dead Man’s Plate equipped because the added movement speed aids him in pursuing enemies successfully.


Udyr is weak against duelists who can ignore resistances such as Vi or Jarvan IV.

Good Synergies:

Udyr synergizes effectively with champions capable of keeping enemies at a distance and have long reach. All Mage champions, particularly those able to capitalize on opportunities when Udyr secures a catch, make great teammates for him.

2. Nocturne

Nocturne has reached new heights thanks to the item changes. Her win rate shot up to 51.8%.


As a skirmisher gamer, I’d recommend starting with the Stridebreaker for that extra mobility and crowd control. Next up, grab the Experimental Hexplate to amplify my attacks with added damage and attack speed. For the third item, adapt to the enemy team composition. If they’ve got more squishy champions, consider going for assassin items such as Eclipse. But if their team is packed with bruisers and fighters, it’s wise to opt for Black Cleaver.

Power Spikes:

In the beginning stages of playing Nocturne, its performance is fairly typical. Your main objective is to collect as much experience points as you can. However, around the 15-minute mark, the game really comes into its own and shines.


When it comes to champions that Nocturne finds particularly frustrating to face off against, it’s likely that Shaco is at the top of the list. In case Shaco is taken off the table through a ban, keep an eye out for Udyr and Rek’Sai as well.

Good Synergies:

Multiple champions are effective when teamed up with Nocturne, particularly Neeko who can maximize his ultimate ability. Additionally, champions who prefer engaging in combat during the mid-game are also solid choices.

1. Lillia

Lillia an absolute Monster. He is currently demolishing solo queue with a 50.69% win rate.


After being slightly adjusted not long after its debut, Blackfire Torch remains the initial item choice for Lillia. Subsequently, opt for Liandry’s and Zhonya’s.

Power Spikes:

Lillia’s performance improves as the game progresses. Your ultimate ability will significantly impact battles towards the end of the game around the 15-minute mark. Be cautious during the initial stages and then take control in the mid-game.


As a gamer, I would advise you to exclude Morgana and Bel’Veth from the enemy team in order to give Lilia the best possible chance. These champions pose significant threats to Lilia – Bel’Veth can easily outmaneuver her during skirmishes, while Morgana’s stun and Black Shield can turn the tide of any encounter against you.

Good Synergies:

I’ve found that pairing Yone with Lilla in the mid lane is an excellent combination. With Lilla’s ultimate ability, I can easily set up ganks or secure kills on enemy champions. As for a versatile duo, Zoe is another great option. Her kit synergizes well with Lilla’s, enabling me to take down enemies from a distance while she provides crowd control and engages in team fights.

Jungler Tier List in LoL Patch 14.14: The Other Jungle Champions

As a seasoned League of Legends player with years of experience under my belt, I’ve come to realize that not all champions are created equal when it comes to jungling. While S-Tier picks like Lee Sin and Elise are often the go-to choices for many players, I’ve learned that there are plenty of hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

The A-Tier Jungle Picks of LoL Patch 14.14

If you dislike the top-ranked champions or they have been banned, consider exploring the options in the B-tier category instead. The champions in this tier are strong performers, but they typically don’t require adjustments. Therefore, you can expect similar performance levels from them.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate


Kha Zix51.06%9.00%


Xin Zhao50.74%3.07%
Jarvan IV50.47%4.33%

As a long-time League of Legends player with a soft spot for junglers, I can confidently say that farming champions like Fiddlesticks are truly shining this patch. I’ve noticed a significant increase in their power and effectiveness, making them a must-try for any summoner looking to make an impact on the Rift. AP items remain strong in the current meta, and Fiddlesticks’ jungle clear is downright insane. Trust me, I’ve seen it firsthand in countless games. Give him a spin and prepare to be amazed!

The uncomplicated and robust jungling role is handled excellently by Amumu. Don’t miss out on playing this charming Yordle mummy in the A-tier.

The F-Tier Jungle Picks of LoL Patch 14.14

As a gamer, I would advise against picking these champions if you aim for victory. They might not be worth your time and effort, especially if you’re not an expert with their playstyle or only have one strategy up your sleeve.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate

It’s surprising how far down the jungle tier list Skarner has fallen since his visual and gameplay update was released. Despite being well-designed for top lane play, Riot apparently miscalculated when tweaking his abilities for the jungler role.

As a passionate follower of League of Legends, I’ve been keeping up with the current meta, and from what I’ve observed, there are some junglers that truly shine while others struggle. Some champions excel at providing early game pressure, securing crucial objectives, and offering teamfight presence. Others, unfortunately, may face challenges in the current meta.

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2024-07-18 16:54