LoL Dodge: Queue Dodging Explained

As a long-time League of Legends player, I can tell you from my own experience that dodging games can have serious consequences. I remember when I was new to ranked play and would often dodge if I felt uncertain about my team composition or if I didn’t feel like playing a particular champion. But as I progressed and started to take ranked more seriously, I learned the hard way that dodging isn’t worth it in the long run.

As a passionate League of Legends player, I used to think that dodging games when faced with unfavorable match-ups was an effective solution. However, I’ve come to realize that Riot Games has been taking a firm stance against queue dodgers, implementing penalties to discourage this behavior. By dodging in LoL, you’re not only making your teammates wait longer for the game to begin but also subjecting yourself to potential long-term consequences.

As a dedicated gamer in League of Legends (LoL), I’ve noticed that some players use dodging as a shortcut to gain an edge in solo queue matches. However, this behavior not only puts them at an unfair advantage but also negatively impacts the overall experience for other players in the queue. So, let me share what consequences await those who dodge in LoL:

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LoL Dodge: What is Queue Dodging in League of Legends? 

Based on my own experiences as a dedicated League of Legends player, I have come to understand that dodging a game goes beyond simply leaving a lobby before a match begins. It’s like showing up to a dinner party unannounced and then deciding you’d rather stay home at the last minute, leaving your host and other guests in an inconvenience.

As a gamer, I understand that unforeseen circumstances can sometimes force us to abandon a game. However, if you leave during champion select or keep dodging the selection of Yasuo for the umpteenth time, be aware that consequences will follow. By leaving the game, you disrupt the queue for nine other players who were also ready to play, forcing them to go through the process once more. So, think twice before making that decision and consider the impact on your teammates.

Based on the league rank you’re in, the waiting period could last an additional minute or two for some, whereas high-ranking players might have to wait up to ten minutes or more. Therefore, Riot Games introduced consequences for frequent game dodgers.

How To Dodge Games In League of Legends

As someone who’s been playing League of Legends for years and understands the importance of every match, I want to share a lesser-known strategy with you. Now, I don’t encourage this lightly, but if you find yourself in a situation where you just can’t bring yourself to play a ranked game that feels like it’s doomed from the start, there’s an easy way out.

Why Do Players Dodge Games In League of Legends

A few gamers avoid playing certain matches as it may influence their Matchmaking Rating (MMR). Consequently, by forfeiting these games, they lose League Points (LP), causing the difference between LP and MMR to expand. Subsequently, these players stand a better chance of earning more LP once they dodge a few times. Regrettably, some manipulate this system to rapidly advance in rank following queue dodges.

Players often avoid matches against opponents wielding unfavorable champions or ones they dislike. Despite being given one champion ban during ranked and draft games, players may still encounter champions they despise or ones that significantly counter their own selection.

LoL Dodge Penalties

As an avid gamer, I’ve noticed that the consequences I face depend on the specific game mode I engage in. For instance, if I keep dodging in a particular game mode, I may be hit with penalties to make my experience less enjoyable and more fair for others. The system is clever enough to monitor my behavior and adjust accordingly.

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These are the penalties that players can receive for queue dodging in LoL: 

Queue1 Dodge2+ Dodges3+ Dodges
Solo/Flex Ranked Queue
  • 6 minute queue penalty
  • -3 LP
  • 30 minute queue penalty
  • -10 LP
  • 720 minute (12 hours) queue penalty
  • -10 LP
Classic (Normal) Queue
  • 6 minute queue penalty
  • 15 minute queue penalty
  • 720 minute (12 hours) queue penalty
ARAM Queue
  • 15 minute queue penalty
  • Lose all used rerolls
  • 30 minute queue penalty
  • Lose all used rerolls
  • 720 minute (12 hours) queue penalty
  • Lose all used rerolls

Riot additionally mentions that a player’s dodge penalty will decrease by one tier each 12-hour period. Therefore, if you’ve dodged some games in the evening, you can wait another 12 hours before exiting the current dodge penalty tier.

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Dodging in Normal and Ranked Games Within 12-Hours

If a player skips a game in the regular mode and then does so in ranked mode, the absence will be counted as if they had dodged not one but two ranked matches instead. Consequently, they will face the penalties associated with dodging more than two ranked games.

Dodging in ARAM

In ARAM (All Random All Mid) matches, if a player avoids playing by dodging, they forfeit the right to use any rerolls as a consequence. Conversely, if someone else in your ARAM match dodges, any previously spent rerolls will be restored to you for your upcoming ARAM game, as you were not responsible for their departure from the match.

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In ARAM (All Random All Mid), it’s usual for players to avoid matches as they’re assigned random champions. At times, despite rerolling twice, they may not get a champion they prefer or are skilled with, resulting in dodges.

Can You Get Dodging Penalties For Ready Check As Well? 

In League of Legends, a Ready Check is a notification that appears when a sufficient number of players with similar skill levels have joined a game. To begin playing, each player must confirm their readiness by accepting this prompt.

If a player repeatedly refuses to acknowledge they’re ready during the Ready Check in Ranked games, they may face both a queue ban and a decrease in League Points (LP).

  • Declining or missing the Ready Check too many times in a Ranked queue will result in a 6 minute ban from all queues and a loss of 3 LP.
  • The penalty is increased to 10 LP for continuing to miss Ready Checks.
  • Each subsequent miss increases the length of the timed queue ban and imposes a 10 LP penalty.

As a passionate League of Legends player, I can’t stress enough how crucial it is for us to hit that Ready Check button on time during the champion select process. If I consistently fail to do so, Riot Games has made it clear that my account will face increasingly harsh penalties in the form of Losses Percentage (LP) reductions. What’s more, these penalties aren’t confined to a single queue type; if I keep missing Ready Checks in Normal games, for instance, those penalties could carry over to my Ranked matches as well. So, let’s make sure we’re all ready on time – for our teams and for ourselves!

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2024-07-16 16:54