League of Legends: Reasons Why You Should Main Sett

As a dedicated League of Legends player with countless hours invested in mastering various champions, I’ve had the pleasure of trying out many top laners during my gaming journey. However, none have captured my heart quite like Sett. Since his release in 2020, this enigmatic Boss has become an integral part of my Summoner’s Rift experience.

Since its launch in 2020, Sett has left a lasting impression and earned iconic status as a champion in Summoner’s Rift, particularly in solo queue. Top laners are fond of him, while he also frequently gets banned due to his popularity among opponents.

However, if you’re contemplating why you should abandon your monotonous Garen playstyle and opt for Sett instead, let me enlighten you with some compelling reasons to make the switch.

League of Legends: Why You Should Main Sett

4. He Is Versatile

Sett, who is among the elite top laners, offers more than just that. The champion boasts versatility and has been employed in various roles over the past few years. Intriguingly, Riot Games attempted to experiment with Sett as a jungler too. This adaptability makes him an enjoyable and flexible choice for team compositions.

Sett is versatile and can effectively fill the role of a support with engaging abilities, while he has also gained professional recognition in the mid lane. Although he shines best in the top lane, if you’re looking for a champion who can adapt to various roles, Sett is an exceptional choice due to his diverse positioning options.

3. His Playstyle Feels Like A Fighting Game

Of course, we have to look at his playstyle and what makes it so attractive for players. Sett has a unique playstyle that rivals fighting games thanks to his left and right punches. When he was in development, Riot was testing whether they can actually have you control his punches, but dropped the idea. Yet, the essence is still a part of his kit, which makes it really fun and unique. 

Players not only enjoy playing Sett near the brink of life and death, but they are also encouraged to take risks with him. The thrill of executing a Haymaker at the last second and watching opponents go from full health to nearly defeated is incredibly rewarding. Additionally, Sett gains a shield after such plays, adding an extra layer of excitement to this distinctive playstyle that sets him apart from other champions.

2. His Kit Is Simple

Setter is more of a straightforward champion compared to Hwei, who may need advanced knowledge to master all their skills. Instead, Setter’s passive is easy to grasp, and his abilities are quick to comprehend. To use Setter, you just need to punch repeatedly with basic attacks, then press Q for an enhanced attack. It’s as simple as that! Easy peasy.

Interspersing powerful Q abilities with automatic attacks and harvesting resources simultaneously brings enjoyment in playing Sett. This champion offers a simple learning curve but mastering him, particularly versus challenging opponents, adds excitement to the gameplay experience.

1. Sett Has Gotten More Skins Than Any Other Champion

Since 2020, Sett has been part of League of Legends, and during this period, he’s acquired more skins than champions introduced in 2010. His widespread appeal and striking visuals have made him a favorite among the skin design team, resulting in a rapidly expanding collection for this popular champion.

With so many distinctive appearances to choose from, Sett truly shines in the game. For those with a generous budget, Sett is an excellent champion indeed. Why you ask? Because each of his skins offers something exceptional and unlike any other. So, for all you fashion-conscious players, consider making Sett your go-to champion. It’s really that straightforward.

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2024-07-25 15:24