Land of Bad Streaming Release Date: When Is It Coming Out on Netflix?

Land of Bad Streaming Release Date: When Is It Coming Out on Netflix?

As a dedicated fan of action movies and a follower of the latest releases, I can hardly contain my excitement for the upcoming Netflix streaming release of “Land of Bad.” The anticipation is palpable as the July 18, 2024 release date approaches.

The release date for streaming “The Land of Bad” on Netflix is approaching soon, leaving viewers eager to know when they can begin watching the movie online.

In the 2024 film “Land of Bad,” a Special Forces team in the Philippines faces disaster when they’re ambushed by enemies. With their situation deteriorating, only the resilience of Sergeant JJ Kinney and an Air Force drone pilot offer their last hope for survival. They must navigate through the unforgiving terrain to make it back alive.

When is the Land of Bad Netflix release date?

The Land of Bad Netflix release date is July 18, 2024.

William Eubank directed the film, which hit theaters on February 16th of this year. In this movie, Sergeant Kinney faces a grueling journey through the dangerous landscapes of the Philippines to reach the extraction point. His 48-hour battle for survival is made even more perilous by unexpected dangers lurking in enemy territory. The screenplay for this film was penned by David Frigerio and William Eubank.

Among the actors in the film “Land of Bad,” you’ll find Liam Hemsworth, Russell Crowe, Luke Hemsworth, Ricky Whittle, Milo Ventimiglia, Chika Ikogwe, Daniel MacPherson, Robert Rabiah, Jack Finsterer, and others.

When is Land of Bad coming out via streaming?

Starting on Thursday, July 18, you can easily stream “Land of Bad” on Netflix for your viewing pleasure.

Current Netflix subscribers will be able to watch the movie when it airs.

Land of Bad’s official synopsis reads:

In the event of a Delta Force special ops mission turning disastrous, Air Force drone pilot Reaper is given 48 hours to rectify the situation. With no means of defense or communication other than their aerial drone, an unplanned warfare scenario unfolds as the team is unexpectedly encountered by the adversaries.

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2024-07-15 15:10