How to infiltrate Gorak’s base – Star Wars Outlaws

How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws

As a seasoned gamer with years of Star Wars lore under my belt, I can confidently say that the mission to infiltrate Gorak’s base in Star Wars Outlaws is an exhilarating challenge. With a lifetime of dodging Stormtroopers and outsmarting bounty hunters, I felt right at home as I navigated through the narrow alleys and vents, using every trick in the book to avoid detection.

In the initial stages of Star Wars Outlaws, your objective is to penetrate Gorak’s stronghold. Being the chief of the Pykes, he possesses valuable data that other factions are eager for you to acquire on their behalf.

How to infiltrate Gorak’s base in Star Wars Outlaws

How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws

To start off, let’s take a look at the map that marks the primary entrance of Gorak’s Base. That’s where we want to head. Although we won’t go through the main door, it’ll give us a point of entry.

Initially, move towards the ladder that’s near the questionable individual engaged in conversation with a person on his left. It’s optional, but if you choose to do so, there are some valuable items at the bottom of the ladder. Feel free to collect them, then make your way back up the ladder.

How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws

Moving forward, you’ll find a hidden entrance located on the right side of the alley, beyond the main gate. This vent in the wall serves as our secret passage. Make sure to stay unnoticed as we proceed, for safety reasons.

How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws

Stay on the left side and progress deeper into the facility. Be aware that there will be rotating guards, but they can usually be avoided as you move forward. If necessary, scan for ventilation shafts where you can hide while they pass by. You might also have to use Nix to divert some people’s attention elsewhere. There is ample concealment throughout your journey that you can take cover behind if needed.

How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws

At the end of the narrow paths on your left, you will find a wall constructed from wire mesh that can be climbed. This structure might easily go unnoticed if you haven’t enabled the “explorer mode” in the main menu. That setting significantly enhances the visibility of areas within the environment that can be traversed more readily.

How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws

Ascend the wall, then enter through an interior opening. Upon arrival, you’ll find a spacious room with various tiers and a sizable gap in the distant wall. To access that hole, we’ll need to adjust things slightly. Locate the nearby stairs or ladder to descend to the lowest level first.

How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws

In this area, there’s a button for summoning an elevator located at a pillar where a blue light emanates from below. Pressing it brings down the elevator on the left, which you can access by climbing up the ladder provided and jumping over to it. Once there, look ahead to a narrow beam, then jump across to the walkway beyond. On the far wall of that walkway, you’ll find a console that Nix can activate.

How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws

Once you perform the action requested, another turbo lift will descend, providing an opportunity for you to leap onto its roof. The distant wall, featuring a large grid of white metal, can be scaled, so after jumping off the edge of the turbo lift, grab hold of it and ascend to the top right area.

Once you get to the opening, go ahead and enter it, then traverse the tunnel. You’ll encounter a space with a whirling fan blade filling a gap, and next to it is a grate. Utilize Nix to open the hidden cover behind the grate, subsequently use your blaster to eliminate the power source.

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2024-08-27 01:27