How to get credits for Preeban – Star Wars Outlaws

How to get credits for Preeban - Star Wars Outlaws

As a seasoned gamer with a penchant for sneaky tactics and a soft spot for adorable robots named Nix, I must say that Star Wars Outlaws has captured my heart in more ways than one. The first challenge I faced was gathering those elusive credits for Preeban – a task that seemed simple enough but held a delightful surprise.

In Star Wars Outlaws, the initial step is acquiring credits for Preeban to repair your damaged data spike. This action will initiate you to a mechanism involving the handy character Nix, a resource you’ll find indispensable as you progress through the game.

Where to get credits for Preeban

How to get credits for Preeban - Star Wars Outlaws

From Preeban’s store, descend the steps in front of you and continue along the narrow path until you reach an intersection where another alley veers off to your left. Take that turn, then at the end of the alley, there will be a security officer in a cloak waiting on your left side. To activate a special vision mode, press and hold ‘Alt’ on your keyboard or the left shoulder button on your controller. This mode is known as Nix Mode, which enables you to interact with various objects in the world using Nix.

How to get credits for Preeban - Star Wars Outlaws

Move your mouse pointer over the guard, and a chance to swipe his wallet will appear. By clicking the indicated button, Nix will leap onto the guard and snatch some money. Afterward, Nix will make his way towards you, allowing you to pick up the stolen credits.

How to get credits for Preeban - Star Wars Outlaws

1. Head back towards the street you previously walked on, then take a left at its end. Another guard will be waiting there. Employ your unique vision and stealth technique once more: this time, guide Nix with the special vision and use stealth to execute another sneaky play, earning additional Credits in the process.

How to get credits for Preeban - Star Wars Outlaws

After turning around, head back towards Preeban’s shop, but instead of sticking to the right side, take the street on your left. Towards the end of this road, you’ll notice a covert nook on your right, partially obscured by pipes. Position yourself just short of the steps and that’s where you can instruct Nix to pop in and grab some extra credits.

Once you accomplish this task, you’ll accumulate the 100 credits necessary for Preeban to repair the faulty data spike, which will then give you ample opportunities to cause trouble. This method of acquiring resources is quite beneficial throughout the game. You can employ it to gain Credits, weapons, grenades, and information that would otherwise remain out of reach. Moreover, this technique allows you to obtain keycards for unlocking restricted rooms or buildings.

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2024-08-27 00:57