How To Beat The Yian Kut-Ku In Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds transports you into the Prohibited Territories, a realm teeming with various creatures engaging in constant combat. In such perilous landscapes, you’ll often stumble upon new monsters waiting to be explored, as well as familiar foes eager for another round.

A well-loved creature from the series, often seen as comical due to its flaming attacks and eccentric behavior, is the Yian Kut-Ku. However, don’t be fooled by its goofy appearance; beneath the jovial facade lies a formidable challenge. Here’s what you need to know about it.

Yian Kut-Ku – Strengths And Weaknesses

Weak Points
  • Head (Breakable)
  • Torso
  • Wings
  • Tail
Resistant Points
  • Neck
  • Legs
Elemental/Ailment Weakness
  • Water
  • Thunder
  • Ice
Elemental/Ailment Resistance Immune to Dragon-type Damage.
Best Weapon Damage
  • Piercing
  • Slashing

The Yian Kut-ku features a compact body with numerous vulnerable spots, making it advantageous for you; its head, wings, torso, and tail are all simple to target, meaning you won’t encounter any difficulties damaging them. In terms of weapon damage, Piercing and Slashing will prove effective against this adversary, so make sure your bowguns are at the ready.

Concerning this foe, it’s vulnerable to Water, Thunder, and Ice weaponry, but its resistance to Dragon-typed attacks renders many top-tier weapons ineffective. However, since you possess a variety of options for counterattacks, don’t lose heart!

Best Equipment To Fight Yian Kut-Ku

Best Recommended Weapons
  • Windshear Uchibami (Light Bowgun – Hirabami)
  • Windpierce Tsukibami (Lance – Hirabami)
  • Perkonis Clairbow (Bow – Rey Dau)
Best Recommended Armor
  • Any set you can craft

When it comes to our suggested weapons, feel free to use the most advanced versions we provide, but keep in mind that any level within their lineup will also serve the purpose effectively.

For weapon options, Hirabami weapons are ideal due to their simplicity in creation and strong elemental power. Alternatively, if you prefer Thunder damage, Rey Dau’s bow would be an excellent choice for this battle.

When you initially engage this foe, ensure you are wearing your most superior gear from Low Rank. This equipment will outperform the standard High Rank armor sets, so stick with it for the initial battle. Afterward, feel free to switch to any piece that offers 10 or more points of Fire Resistance.

Yian Kut-Ku – Fight Breakdown And Moves

The Yian Kut-Ku is a seemingly straightforward monster, but don’t let that fool you; it’s by no means an easy foe to handle. For starters, it moves at breakneck speeds and can abruptly change directions, making it tricky to outmaneuver. Therefore, be prepared to adjust your position frequently, and always keep a close eye on where its tail and head might strike next.

Concerning its additional assault techniques, this creature frequently launches fireballs from its mouth, not straight ahead but upward. Be sure to monitor them carefully before they descend onto you. Additionally, it may suddenly charge at you with its beak close to the ground, and these charges can cause harm, so remain vigilant and ready to move quickly.

Yian Kut-Ku – Drops And Materials

Yian Kut-Ku can only be fought in High-Rank difficulty, and it can drop the following materials:

High Rank Drops
Kut-Ku Scale+
Kut-Ku Carapace
Kut-Ku Ear
Kut-Ku Wing
Inferno Sac
Yian Kut-Ku Certificate S
Giant Beak
Bird Wyvern Gem

Hunting Objectives

Repeatedly tracking down this beast multiple times will grant you these titles on your Hunter’s Record:

1. Seasoned Hunter
2. Master Hunter
3. Elite Hunter
4. Grandmaster Hunter (for the most dedicated)

These accolades serve as a testament to your skills and perseverance in the field!

Objective Reward Title
Hunt 20 times Yian Kut-Ku
Hunt 30 times Reddish
Hunt 40 times Red Bird
Hunt 50 times Teacher

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2025-02-28 23:35