House of the Dragon season 2, episode 7 recap: Rhaenyra finds out who rides Seasmoke

House of the Dragon season 2, episode 7 recap: Rhaenyra finds out who rides Seasmoke

As a longtime follower and fan of the Targaryen dynasty, I’ve seen my fair share of betrayals, power struggles, and dragons taking flight. But nothing quite prepared me for this latest turn of events in the Dance of the Dragons.

In the seventh episode of “House of the Dragon” season 2, Rhaenyra swiftly prepares for an attack without delay. The episode concludes with a startling revelation for Aemond: the danger he now faces from Rhaenyra.

Caution: This post contains spoilers for House of the Dragon season 2, episode 7.

The episode continues in a predictable manner. Rhaenyra discovers the identity of Seasmoke’s rider, allowing her to devise a strategy for locating dragonriders. However, not every Black supporter is on board with this plan. Simultaneously, Daemon manages to win over the Riverlords, while Alicent contemplates her next move. Aegon makes progress in his recovery efforts, and Jace harbors resentment towards his mother’s summons for Targaryen bastards.

Alicent takes a walk in the woods

Alicent is currently grappling with uncertainty about her next steps. Having devoted her entire life to serving her household and kingdom, she now wonders if all her sacrifices were justified. Exactly where she finds herself, however, remains unclear to her.

She goes for a stroll in the forest with one of her loyal Kingsguard men by her side. This is where she intends to ponder over the events of her life and contemplate whether returning to King’s Landing is the right decision for her.

Daemon gains the support of the Riverlords

Simultaneously, the young and inexperienced Lord Oscar Tully assumes rule over the Riverlands. This development could benefit Daemon since the Riverlords require leadership. However, Daemon harbors significant guilt due to the harm he has inflicted, making it essential for him to seek forgiveness.

Oscar firmly intends to keep the vow of his lineage. The Tullys have pledged allegiance to Rhaenyra, and they will stay true to that commitment. They plan to rally more Riverlords to their cause, but Daemon’s actions have complicated matters significantly.

House of the Dragon season 2, episode 7 recap: Rhaenyra finds out who rides Seasmoke

Oscar is committed to preserving the purity of the Riverlands and ensuring that wrongdoers are held accountable. Willem Blackwood, who assaulted the Brackens, must be brought to justice. Young Lord Tully expects Daemon to make amends for his brutal commands by punishing Blackwood. Unsurprisingly, Daemon carries out this task, but strangely, he seems uncertain about it.

Based on my extensive knowledge of the intricacies of Westeros politics, I must say, I’m quite fond of the new Lord Tully. His unwavering commitment to upholding the rules and traditions of the realm is truly commendable. With Rhaenyra ascending the throne as queen, there’s no denying her rightful claim. Yet, Daemon’s role as king consort is a necessary concession, a reminder that even those with less-than-stellar reputations can find their place in the grand scheme of things. Lord Tully’s firm yet fair handling of this delicate situation leaves me optimistic about the future of the Seven Kingdoms.

Aegon tries to walk again in House of the Dragon

In the book, it is mentioned that Aegon stays in seclusion for a year after being injured, with only a few people paying him visits. However, the series portrays Aegon as more lucid than the book suggests. Despite this restricted access, Larys refuses to let Aegon rest and recover quietly. He feels that Aegon cannot simply waste away during this time. This could be due to Larys’ desire to prevent Aemond from continuing as regent, as Larys had failed in his attempt to secure the position of Hand of the King for himself.

I can’t speak for him directly, but from my perspective as a fan, I believe he’s working diligently to help Aegon recover. The apparent moment of weakness in the last episode might have been a clever strategy. He’s striving to earn Aegon’s trust and confidence. And if it means enduring significant pain for Aegon, then so be it – his top priority is ensuring that Aegon can walk again.

As a gamer, I could relate to Aegon’s plight in this episode. It was simple to overlook his past strength and triumphs when he appeared vulnerable and powerless before us.

In the course of the show, Larys learns that Seasmoke has taken on a rider – a commoner from the docks. With this information having been relayed through various sources, Larys chooses to keep Aemond in the dark about it. However, upon reflection, he might have considered sharing this news with Aemond given how events unfolded later in the episode.

Rhaena rushes off to claim a dragon

Following news of a flying dragon terrorizing the Vale, Rhaena feels reluctant to join her half-brothers in Pentos. Her desire is to play a significant role in the “Dance of the Dragons,” which necessitates owning a dragon.

Based on my own experiences as a seasoned adventurer, I’d say that her decision to rush off into the wilds of the Vale to find a dragon without proper preparation is quite reckless. I’ve been on many adventures myself, and I can attest that survival skills are essential for such journeys. Moreover, I’ve heard tales of dragons living deep in the wilderness, far from the comforts of civilization.

I’d prefer if the Nettles storyline wasn’t eliminated entirely for Rhaena’s character. And I won’t be satisfied unless Rhaena ultimately ends up with Morning. Nevertheless, I’ll remain receptive to how this storyline unfolds.

Rhaenyra finds her dragonriders in House of the Dragon

In the climax of the season, an anticipated showdown between Rhaenyra and the man Seasmoke had chosen arrives. Initially taken aback, Rhaenyra learns that Seasmoke had pledged allegiance to this man instead of the other way around. During their encounter, Rhaenyra demands that Addam, who submits to her rule, reveal his Valyrian lineage. Eager to uncover his origins, she presses him for information about his parents. However, Addam keeps secret that Corlys is his father.

House of the Dragon season 2, episode 7 recap: Rhaenyra finds out who rides Seasmoke

At Dragonstone, there’s a instant where Velaryon (Corlys) expresses admiration towards Addam, brought about by the latter having a dragon – something Addam had longed for. Seeing that innocent expression of joy on Addam’s face tugged at my heartstrings.

Later on, Corlys pays Alyn a visit and proposes that they both pursue the hunt for a dragon. However, Alyn makes it clear that his identity is tied to the sea and the salt, implying that he might be a suitable candidate for Corlys’ succession instead.

As a seasoned maester with decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen many a tale unfold in the tumultuous world of Westeros. And let me tell you, the recent turn of events surrounding Rhaenyra Targaryen has left me quite intrigued.

Jacaerys expresses disappointment as he believed the Highborns could provide dragon riders, but he’s against the idea of Lowborns attempting to ride dragons. This implies that dragon riding is no longer exclusive to those with titles or high social status. Jace seems narrow-minded in his thinking, as they desperately need more dragonriders.

Many unrecognized Targaryens respond to the summons. Initially reluctant, Ulf is persuaded by his friends to join in, despite his previous declarations of being a Targaryen. Hugh Hammer discloses that his mother had silver hair, making her a Targaryen and explaining why he is a dragonseed. As an apology for keeping this secret from her, Hugh confesses to his wife. Tragically, it seems their daughter has passed away between episodes, and in support of his grieving spouse, Hugh decides to mount a dragon.

House of the Dragon season 2, episode 7 recap: Rhaenyra finds out who rides Seasmoke

I’ve read many tales of brave knights and fearsome beasts, but none quite like the one about Ulf and Hugh at Dragonstone. As a seasoned storyteller, I’ve seen my fair share of twists and turns, but this tale took me by surprise.

Regarding Ulf, he traverses the tunnels and encounters Silverwing slumbering there. Initially, Ulf assumes an attack from Silverwing is imminent, but she too forms a connection with a rider. With his newfound dragon companion, Ulf heads to King’s Landing to show off. Upon arrival, Ulf’s actions draw attention, including that of Aemond who swiftly mounts Vhagar and pursues Ulf on Silverwing. As Aegon arrives at Dragonstone, he is greeted by the sight of numerous dragons now ridden by their masters. Realizing the futility of starting a battle with these numbers against him, Aegon also acknowledges that the Greens have been outmatched in dragon forces for the war.

This is setting up for an exciting House of the Dragon season 2 finale.

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2024-07-29 17:54