House of the Dragon season 2 episode 6 recap: A dragonrider chosen?

House of the Dragon season 2 episode 6 recap: A dragonrider chosen?

As a weary and battle-hardened soldier who has seen the harsh realities of war, I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness for Lord Grover. I’ve lost many comrades in arms over the years, but there’s something about this old man that struck a chord with me. Maybe it was his wisdom or his unwavering loyalty to House Targaryen. Whatever it was, his untimely demise at the hands of Alys Rivers leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

In “House of the Dragon,” Rhaenyra and Jace acknowledged the necessity of locating dragon riders. Their quest commences in the sixth episode of the second season, yet initial successes elude them.

In the second season of “House of the Dragon,” we’ve had a more subdued episode, leading up to an anticipated climax. It seems unlikely that we’ll witness another grand dragon battle this season. However, there are hints dropping about the discovery of new dragon riders.

At the same time, Daemon experiences further visions, while Alicent witnesses the unrest building among the citizens of King’s Landing, on the verge of erupting into riots.

Rhaenyra starts her search for dragonriders in House of the Dragon

Rhaenyra begins the episode with optimism. She believes she’s discovered an ideal candidate to mount a dragon, and this person is surprisingly near at hand. Steffon, it seems, has a Targaryen ancestor in his lineage, making him a potential dragonrider. It may be a long shot, but he’s willing to give it a try.

He’s clearly terrified, understandably so when confronted by a dragon. Yet, Seasmoke seems open to letting him be its rider – that is, until the final moment. With an imposing stance, Seasmoke unleashes dragon flames, annihilating Ser Steffon and one of the singers who had attempted to coax it out.

Seasmoke flies off, but that’s not the last we see of him in the episode. More on that soon.

“Throughout the episode, I’m gripped with fear that our attempt may be doomed to fail. But Mysaria isn’t ready to give up yet. There are others with Targaryen blood out there waiting to be found. I need to take a risk and rally people to join us in this quest.”

Mysaria has formed a strong bond with Rhaenyra due to the princess’s kindness and understanding. Mysaria shares her tragic past with Rhaenyra, revealing that her father had sexually assaulted her as a child, resulting in a scar on her neck. This traumatic experience led to an enforced abortion, leaving Mysaria unable to bear children. With a lifetime of mistrust towards people, she finds herself drawn to Rhaenyra’s compassion and willingness to accept her. In return, Mysaria feels compelled to help and support the princess.

The two exchange a deep, passionate kiss, but their moment is disrupted as one of Rhaenyra’s Queensguard intervenes. This has something to do with Seasmoke – keep reading and we’ll explain!

House of the Dragon season 2 episode 6 recap: A dragonrider chosen?

Alys Rivers may have sped up a death in the Riverlands

At Harrenhal, Daemon is once again tormented by vivid dreams. In this instance, it’s his brother Viserys who appears in them. Daemon finds himself reliving the past, specifically the time when Viserys ordered him to return to his first wife. The scene then shifts to a poignant moment where Viserys weeps over the deceased body of their sister, Aemma. Amidst this sadness, Daemon offers comfort to his brother, revealing a tender and compassionate side that is not often seen.

Daemon is finished with his stay at Harrenhal and believes someone there is trying to harm him. As he prepares to depart, Alys holds him back, urging him to wait a few days. She suggests that Lord Grover’s tenure as the Riverlands’ ruler might not last long. Once Grover is out of the picture, Daemon could encounter a new lord who may rally all the Riverland lords in support of Rhaenyra – assuming Daemon can successfully negotiate with this new figure.

Towards the close of the episode, Lord Grover meets his unfortunate demise. As expected, Ser Simon informs Daemon that Alys had attempted to heal him outside, but in vain. Nonetheless, we, and Daemon, harbor suspicions that Alys played a role in hastening Lord Grover’s death. Despite this revelation, Daemon displays an unexpected emotional response, shedding tears at the episode’s conclusion.

Aemond names a new Hand and sends Criston out on a mission

At King’s Landing, Aemond begins his duties as regent. He assigns Criston Cole with his first task. Aemond believes Daemon has enough support in the Riverlands now, and he orders Criston to seize Harrenhal. Criston hesitates, understanding that facing a dragon is a daunting challenge, but Aemond remains resolute.

Simultaneously, Aemond determines that Alicent’s tenure on the Small Council has come to an end. Her presence is now unnecessary.

Aemond isn’t pleased that his brother Aegon is getting better. He goes to see him at Rook’s Rest under the pretext of inquiring about the memories of their past skirmish. However, Aegon claims to have no recollection of the incident. It’s unclear whether this amnesia is due to fear or if it’s an honest forgetting.

Leaving behind, Lord Larys Strong suggests to Aemond that they require a replacement for the Hand of the King. Though Criston was previously holding this role for Aegon, there’s no compulsion for Aemond to keep the same person. It’s evident that Larys aims for this position, but Aemond has another candidate in mind: Otto Hightower.

Otto’s absence is worrying, as neither Alicent nor Gwayne have any news from him. Their brief moment of sibling connection is tinged with regret, as Alicent ponders how their lives might have turned out if roles had been reversed and Gwayne had gone to King’s Landing instead. However, old grudges linger, and Gwayne harbors resentment. Yet, he recognizes the goodness in Alicent’s third son, Daeron, a trait sorely lacking among his own brothers.

House of the Dragon season 2 episode 6 recap: A dragonrider chosen?

Alicent sees the threats of riots in House of the Dragon

Due to Corlys’ blockade at the Gullet continuing to hinder trade, the inhabitants of King’s Landing face hardships. Aemond acknowledges that this is Rhaenyra’s doing, but they blame him as Prince Regent. Regardless, he must take action and do so swiftly.

Rhaenyra is subtly spreading the word among her followers. She assures the populace that the Red Keep is well-stocked with provisions. As for the smallfolk’s concerns, Rhaenyra has a solution in hand.

With her flag unfurled on board the food ships she dispatches, she signals to the people of King’s Landing that she hasn’t forgotten them while away. This gesture begins to foster goodwill towards her among the commoners, and Alicent and Helaena observe this positive response firsthand in the city streets.

Alicent manages to bring her daughter to the church for the candle-lighting ritual in honor of Aegon and other departed souls. However, their peaceful outing is disrupted when the crowd becomes hostile towards them. The chaos results in one man getting his hand severed, and both women scramble to escape in their cart. Now, I’m sure Alicent deeply regrets her misinterpretation of Viserys’s instructions.

House of the Dragon season 2 episode 6 recap: A dragonrider chosen?

Alyn and Addam show different wishes from Corlys

At Driftmark once more, Corlys approaches Alyn with a proposition. He proposes that Alyn become his First Mate. However, Alyn declines, mentioning that there are others who have more experience for the role. Unyielding, Corlys persists as he seeks an heir, making it clear where this situation is headed.

Baela has previously rejected him for the title, and Rhaena isn’t considered a good fit. However, while in the Vale, Rhaena is displaying more diplomacy and regal behavior. She interrogates Jeyne Arryn about the dragon flying above them. This dragon doesn’t belong to Rhaenyra, so whose is it? Is it even trainable? Rhaena needs to discover this quickly as she and her half-brothers are soon leaving for Pentos via arranged passage.

I, as a devoted fan, can rephrase that in a simpler and first-person perspective: Addam harbors jealousy towards Alyn. Though Alyn conceals his identity as Corlys’ son, Addam longs for recognition from Corlys. Alyn believes Addam should let go of this aspiration, but the episode’s conclusion might shift their dynamic.

Over Driftmark, a seasmoke emerges, instilling fear in all present, including Addam. He makes a hasty attempt to hide amongst the trees, yet finds no refuge. The menacing seasmoke locates him and, contrary to expectations, does not unleash dragonfire upon him.

A member of Rhaenyra’s Queensguard interrupted Rhaenyra and Mysaria with the news that Seasmoke, Rhaenyra’s dragon, had been seen with a rider. Mysaria is worried it might be one of the Greens, so Rhaenyra rushes to Syrax to mount up and fly out. We’ll find out in episode 7 who is riding her husband’s dragon.

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2024-07-22 05:23