Holly Horror: The Longest Night is a thrilling sequel

Holly Horror: The Longest Night is a thrilling sequel

As a gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that Michelle Jabes Corpora has outdone herself with “Holly Horror: The Longest Night“. This book is not for the faint-hearted, especially if you thought Holly Hobbie was just about pretty girls and pastel colors.

When you picture Holly Hobbie, it’s not often scary images that pop up in your head, but Michelle Jabes Corp. flipped this perception with the launch of Holly’s Horror.

Though you might be too young for the original Holly Hobbie character, this book offers a fascinating reimagining of her story that leaves you eager for more. However, let’s shift our focus to the sequel, “Holly Horror: The Endless Night.”

To fully appreciate the sequel, it’s essential to read the first book prior to diving into the second one. The narrative thread of the initial book continues in the sequel, so starting with the second could leave you perplexed as you try to catch up on missed details.

If you’ve kept up with the show, you’re all set. I’m grateful to Penguin for providing me an advance reading copy, as I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen to Evie next.

Holly Horror: The Longest Night is a pulse-pounding sequel.

Similar to my past reviews, I’ll try not to reveal too many spoilers if you haven’t read the initial book. This new installment continues where the last one ended, focusing on Evie as she delves deeper into the mystery left unresolved from the previous tale. Kudos to Michelle Jabes Corpora for diving right into the narrative and providing essential context for us readers.

In our narrative, we’re continuing the storyline from the first book, with Evie, Tina, and a fresh addition to their friend circle: Sai Rockwell. He’s the local doctor’s son who finds himself right in the thick of things. There’s certainly a dash of drama and a hint of romantic undercurrents between them, adding an exciting layer to our tale.

As someone who has always had a soft spot for captivating narratives that delve deep into characters’ lives and leave me with a sense of wonder, I found myself absolutely enthralled by this book. The stories of Holly and Sarah were intricately woven into the plot, making them an essential part of the tale. I must admit, my fascination for Sarah was particularly piqued as she proved to be such a captivating figure.

In my opinion, the Corpora books, particularly “Holly Horror: The Longest Night,” masterfully resolved all its plotlines, leading me to think that this series might consist of just two books. However, there could be additional installments, but I found it delightful to see how everything concluded for the characters. It was also enjoyable to meet new characters such as Evie’s father, Sai, Dr. Rockwell, and a mysterious villain whose identity I won’t disclose.

The “Holly Horror” collection offers a thrilling and unexpectedly frightening reading experience for young adults. To put it frankly, my pulse quickened at certain moments. Despite the occasional rush of adrenaline, I genuinely enjoy this series. I believe it will resonate with both established Holly Hobbie enthusiasts and those new to her work.

Holly Horror: The Longest Night by Michelle Jabes Corpora is out now where books are sold.

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2024-08-13 17:14