Have the Outlander Season 8 leaked photos shown us Bluebell?

Have the Outlander Season 8 leaked photos shown us Bluebell?

As a seasoned Outlander fan who’s lost count of the number of books and seasons I’ve devoured, the leaked photos from Season 8 have me both excited and puzzled. The appearance of a large dog under an umbrella, looking like it’s between takes, has caught my eye, and my heart skips a beat at the possibility that it could be Bluebell.

Examining the leaked images from Outlander Season 8, we’re exploring potential storylines yet to unfold based on the source material. To find these, we should delve into ‘Written in My Own Heart’s Blood’ and ‘Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone’. Among these leaked photos, one featuring a dog has caught our attention. Could this be a canine character that makes an entrance in the books?

Beneath an umbrella, you notice a sizable canine, appearing as if they’re on a film set break. Is this dog perhaps not Rollo, but instead a character from the novels? Could we be introduced to Bluebell in this scene?

Who is Bluebell in the Outlander books?

In the novel “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone”, Bluebell makes an appearance. It’s implied that her previous master may have met a tragic end, possibly at the hands of Jamie. Feeling remorseful, Jamie decides to atone and adopts the dog. He names her Bluebell, reflecting her distinctive coat color. Later on in “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood”, a new character named Fanny enters the family and affectionately refers to Bluebell as Bluey.

In many plotlines, Bluebell isn’t particularly significant, but she serves as a link to Claire’s kidnapping. This fact becomes clear to Claire, who discovers that one of the men is still present. As a result, Jamie sets out to eliminate this individual.

Could this be Bluebell in Outlander Season 8?

There’s some uncertainty about whether the dog in the leaked photos is indeed Bluebell. My memory of her isn’t very detailed, mainly because of her coloring. The color scheme in those images does bear a strong resemblance to what I recall about Bluebell, and I would be thrilled if it turned out to be her.

In the narrative, there appears to be some uncertainty about how Bluebell appeared, as during the time when Claire was kidnapped, none of the men managed to evade Jamie and his group, except for Wendigo Donner. It’s plausible that someone might have escaped, but it seems rather unlikely, and this matter hasn’t been addressed since.

Absolutely, it’s possible for Bluebell to join the lives of the Frasers through a different circumstance. It appears unusual for Bluebell to coexist at the same time as these photos were possibly taken from. We believe this situation might be the consequence of saving Lord John Grey, which would place them in Savannah rather than Fraser’s Ridge, where Bluebell resides.

Being with the dog doesn’t necessarily mean she’s an integral part of the series or today’s shooting. She might just be spending time with a crew member, or she could be present to familiarize herself with those she works alongside in Outlander Season 8.

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2024-08-26 15:37