Grey’s Anatomy season 21, episode 3 recap and review: “I Can See Clearly Now”

Grey's Anatomy season 21, episode 3 recap and review: "I Can See Clearly Now"

As a seasoned doctor and long-time observer of Grey Sloan Memorial’s medical team, I must say that it seems like the compassionate and human approach to patient care has taken a bit of a backseat lately. It’s almost as if the doctors are forgetting their Hippocratic oath – first, do no harm, but also, treat every patient with kindness and respect.

It turned out to be difficult for Catherine Fox to keep her health concerns a secret from Webber, as this was revealed in Grey’s Anatomy season 21, episode 3.

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for Grey’s Anatomy season 21, episode 3.

The secret about Catherine’s health problems has been revealed, and I’m overjoyed for that disclosure. It didn’t take Webber long to find out, but a certain event had to occur beforehand. Naturally, Webber reacted as expected, and now I’m feeling frustrated with him.

While Nick conducted a groundbreaking operation, Simone and Lucas found themselves at odds, and Amelia was increasingly taking after her sibling.

Grey's Anatomy season 21, episode 3 recap and review: "I Can See Clearly Now"

Grey’s Anatomy season 21, episode 3 included Webber’s wrath

Initially, the scene centered around Catherine’s biopsy examination. Eventually, due to the circumstances, Meredith found herself disclosing the situation to Nick, a decision that breached the HIPAA privacy rules since he is not involved in her care team. This aspect of the episode’s resolution left me perplexed – Meredith couldn’t share information with someone Catherine doesn’t wish to be informed because of HIPAA regulations!

Well, I’ve got to admit, I’m not entirely thrilled about getting entangled in a tricky situation involving Catherine and dishonesty, but I’m glad Meredith is letting me into her life. I get why she’s doing it, so I’m bringing Webber on board for this game-changing operation.

The procedure performed on Nick was a kidney transplant, but without the administration of general anesthetic. This meant he remained conscious throughout the operation, which introduced its own set of challenges. Nick wasn’t the easiest patient for such a procedure, but it ended up going smoothly in the end. There was a brief worry that a sponge might have been left inside him, but it turned out to be under his shoe all along. I’ll discuss my reservations about this method later, but overall, I’m thrilled that Nick had an opportunity to demonstrate his expertise as a transplant surgeon and there’s optimism for advancements in transplant surgery in the future.

During the operation, it’s crucial for Nick to be forthright with Webber. Initially, Webber doesn’t intend to leave because he hasn’t been informed by Simone that the text from Meredith was an emergency one. It falls upon Nick to disclose to Webber that his spouse is the reason behind Meredith sending the urgent message.

In the midst of what I thought was just a routine biopsy for Meredith and Bailey, things took a turn for the worse when Catherine suddenly fell ill, necessitating additional procedures. Consequently, I found myself in a position where I had to inform Webber about it all. Remarkably, he maintained his composure during the crisis, but by the end of the episode, he couldn’t help but express his frustration. Naturally, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt, as if the entire situation was my doing.

In this situation, as a doctor, Webber understood that Meredith wouldn’t have been permitted to speak without Catherine’s approval. However, due to the critical state of Catherine’s health, Meredith managed to slip through unnoticed at that moment. Since Catherine was her next of kin, Webber found himself in this position. In this instance, Webber exhibited a condescending attitude, which I can understand given the circumstances, but an apology is due. It’s important to remember that Catherine bears the responsibility here.

Grey's Anatomy season 21, episode 3 recap and review: "I Can See Clearly Now"

Simone shows who she really is when it comes to Lucas

I always say that when someone shows you who they really are to believe them. I wish I could scream that to Lucas. When Nick wanted Lucas on his service to help with the game-changing transplant, Simone was jealous. She didn’t see why Lucas should get that opportunity, and immediately put the blame on him being a Shepherd.

In the course of events, Lucas’s name hasn’t been mentioned once. The individual in question is required to repeat his first year. He isn’t receiving any preferential treatment. Instead, it’s because Nick is a remarkable doctor who can tutor Lucas, and Nick observed that Lucas could benefit from additional assistance.

Simone’s remarks during the operation were particularly irritating, as she was working under Webber’s supervision which allowed her to participate in the surgery. She undermined both Lucas and Nick in her actions, but neither she nor Lucas seemed to face any consequences for her words, surprisingly enough.

The way their relationship appears is incredibly uneven, it’s hard to believe. Simone, unfortunately, doesn’t seem like an ideal partner at the moment. She has a strong resemblance to Maggie, who is quite career-focused. I don’t have any issues with that trait, but it’s important to acknowledge that you possess these qualities. It’s not a flaw if this represents your true self, as long as it doesn’t negatively impact others or hinder their growth due to your personality.

Grey's Anatomy season 21, episode 3 recap and review: "I Can See Clearly Now"

Amelia ends up with a near-impossible surgery in Grey’s Anatomy

During this time, Amelia was summoned for a consultation. A patient was found to have a tumor in the spinal region. Upon examination, Amelia prepared to address the issue; however, she imposed a single requirement: The patient must undergo an abortion procedure.

At this stage, I found myself 20 weeks into pregnancy. Grasping the gravity of the situation, I’m firmly in favor of individual autonomy – I’m pro-CHOICE. I believe that every woman should have the right to make decisions about her own body, and Amelia, despite her reputation, seemed to be pushing the patient into a corner, stating she would only perform surgery if the patient was willing to do something she wasn’t comfortable with. It left me questioning, why did it take a poignant narrative for Amelia to understand that this patient was prepared to take life-threatening risks for her unborn child – yet eager to explore other possibilities?

Initially, Amelia considered giving up on the patient due to the patient’s insistence on continuing the pregnancy despite a wait period of a few weeks, which Amelia had explained was necessary. However, after understanding the reasons behind the patient’s decision, Amelia decided to continue providing care.

The operation went well, but it was a close call. A dispute between Amelia and Jo took place in the operating room, causing Mika to scold them both. I don’t think her actions were entirely unjustified at the moment. Mika was upset because they weren’t treating their patient with respect, which she felt compelled to remind them of. If she had truly overstepped, Teddy would have intervened.

At times, it crosses my mind about the current state of affairs among the medical staff at Grey Sloan Memorial. Previously, their dedication was such that they’d strive for the seemingly unattainable and always treated patients with a profound sense of humanity in the operating room. Yet, I can’t help but question where that level of commitment has vanished to?

For Amelia, a fresh opportunity has arisen as Teddy presented her with a roster of patients eager to consult with her. These individuals are afflicted by tumors deemed inoperable or hazardous to excise, seeking Amelia’s expertise. This is an accomplishment that Derek strived tirelessly for, and now Amelia stands poised to replicate it.

Mika’s recent outburst had a cause. She’s currently juggling numerous challenges, including observing how the doctors handle their patients, as her youngest sister has been diagnosed with rectal cancer and will soon become one of their patients. It seems that this significant event might lead to Mika leaving the series, and the show appears to be reconsidering her relationship with Jules due to these developments.

Grey's Anatomy season 21, episode 3 recap and review: "I Can See Clearly Now"

Bailey got her job back

In my gaming world, after scoring a major victory (biopsy success), I couldn’t help but confess: I was wrong about firing Bailey. The results aren’t back yet, but it feels like an apology, albeit indirect. Somehow, she’s managing to get her job back again.

It will please the interns, that’s for sure. Sydney might be the most frustrating doctor in the world, yet she sometimes makes wise decisions. When she called out Ben on his frequent job changes (a topic we all joked about at some point, so it was refreshing to hear), Ben explained how he is a perfect fit as a resident. He’s patient and adept at problem-solving. His firefighting background has equipped him with the necessary skills, and his enthusiasm certainly made Sydney reconsider her initial refusal to hire Ben.

After Bailey returns to her workspace, Sydney is wrapping up her belongings. It appears that all is well as Sydney informs Bailey that she’s brought Ben on board. She acknowledges his positive qualities and believes the interns would benefit from him. A sincere thanks emerges from Bailey, but their mutual respect seems to dissipate as Sydney reverts to her lively demeanor.

Is it safe to assume we won’t be seeing Sydney again anytime soon? While I can’t guarantee it, my feeling leans towards yes. Hooray for Bailey returning home!

The finale subtly suggests the possible return of another character from Station 19. Initially, Jo had planned to consult an external OB-GYN for her pregnancy, but by the end of the episode, she decides to switch and wants DeLuca as her doctor instead. Given his competence and respect for privacy, it’s clear that he is making a good decision. However, I find it puzzling why Jo would have concerns about him regarding her privacy.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 10/9c on ABC. Catch up the following day on Hulu.

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2024-10-12 01:59