Git Gud: Marvel vs. Capcom Pro Forcing Other Players To Refund The Game

As a seasoned gaming enthusiast with a decade of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that I’ve never encountered a character quite like Justin “The Wazzler” Wong. His legendary status in the fighting game community is undeniable, and his prowess at Marvel vs. Capcom is the stuff of legends.

As a dedicated gamer, I can tell you this: There’s nothing that could make me put down my controller faster than facing off against gaming legend, Justin Wong, in the Marvel vs. Capcom Collection. His skills are legendary!

“Beware The Wazzler”

Fans and novice gamers alike can now enjoy the timeless combat of Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection, featuring online ranked matches. However, this accessibility also brings about a challenge, as one user humorously refers to themselves as “The Wazzler.

Many Steam players seem to be enjoying the game, yet it appears that encountering “The Wazzler” significantly spoils their gaming experience.

Got back from a long exhausting day of work, decided to give this game a look. Lo and behold, some sweat named Wazzler popped out, heard him yelling on the mic, “putting the FUN in REFUND”. Ruined my night, will be REFUNDING the game!!

And the Steam reviews are full of these kinds of jokes.

Justin “The Wazzler” Wong has since replied, in equally good humor:


— Justin Wong (@JWonggg) September 14, 2024

And Maximilian Dood, who started the #FreeMVC2 hashtag back in 2021, responded:

Justin please. We’re trying to FreeMVC2, not put it back in prison.

— Maximilian Dood (@maximilian_) September 14, 2024

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2024-09-16 12:39