Exclusive Nobody’s Home Trailer Sets Release Date for Psychological Thriller Movie

Exclusive Nobody’s Home Trailer Sets Release Date for Psychological Thriller Movie

As a seasoned movie enthusiast who’s seen my fair share of psychological thrillers, I must say that the trailer for Nobody’s Home piqued my interest immediately! The intriguing plot, the 90s setting, and the enigmatic characters are all elements that resonate with me.

ComingSoon can exclusively debut the trailer to Nobody’s Home.

A Psychological Thriller titled “Nobody’s Home” is set to debut, featuring stars like Louisa Erlich and Julio Lourido. This gripping film has been picked up by Freestyle Digital Media for distribution across North America. You can rent or purchase it starting this September.

Check out the exclusive Nobody’s Home trailer and poster below (watch more trailers and clips):

Exclusive Nobody’s Home Trailer Sets Release Date for Psychological Thriller Movie

When will Nobody’s Home be released?

On September 17, 2024, you’ll have the opportunity to either rent or purchase “Nobody’s Home” digitally through various online platforms, cable TV, satellite services, or even on DVD.

In the 1990s, the film “Nobody’s Home” follows Theodora and Luca, individuals grappling with severe mental health issues. The narrative unfolds as Luca is about to leave a psychiatric hospital, having lived there with Theodora for many years. After his release, Theodora helps him escape and they journey southward. The objective of this escape, it seems, is to keep Luca under Theodora’s influence by re-traumatizing him upon release.

The movie is helmed by director Michelle Bossy, with a screenplay penned by Erlich, who additionally takes on the producer role alongside Lenny Emery, Christopher Pasi, Michelle Bossy, and Terek Ouertani. Notably, Baize Buzan, Ruffin Prentiss, Tom Lipinski, and Gabriel Rush are part of the film’s talented cast.

Erlich mentioned that “Nobody’s Home” offers a unique, intriguing journey with unexpected twists. It delves into the representation of mental health issues on screen in an unconventional manner, and also reveals the hidden aspects of its characters, their inner demons, while underscoring the masks they use to hide their vulnerabilities and concealed truths. The movie blurs the boundary between reality, and we aim for its enigma and subtle vagueness to inspire discussions even after viewing it.

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2024-08-20 20:10