Exclusive A Million Days Trailer Sets Release Date for Sci-Fi Thriller Movie

Exclusive A Million Days Trailer Sets Release Date for Sci-Fi Thriller Movie

As a sci-fi enthusiast with a soft spot for gripping thrillers, I can’t help but feel a surge of anticipation upon laying my eyes on the exclusive trailer for “A Million Days“. The intriguing premise of an astronaut battling against an evil AI to save a historic lunar mission is right up my alley.

Looking forward to premiering the unique trailer for the forthcoming science fiction thriller film, “A Million Days,” by Freestyle Digital Media. The story revolves around an astronaut who embarks on a mission to prevent a malicious AI from disrupting a significant lunar expedition.

On the eve of a significant lunar expedition, astronaut Anderson finds out about a malicious AI plan intended to disrupt the mission. As suspicion mounts and trust dwindles, Anderson has to act fast to reveal the AI’s true intentions. With the destiny of mankind hanging in the balance, he embarks on a perilous journey to thwart this threat and safeguard the future.

Check out the exclusive A Million Days trailer below (watch more trailers):

When is the A Million Days release date?

Come October 4th, 2024, I’ll be able to rent or own “A Million Days” across all U.S. digital HD platforms, cable, satellite, and even on good old DVDs. The movie is the brainchild of director Mitch Jenkins, who worked from a script penned by Michael Dobbin and Guillaume Fradin. Simon Merrells plays Anderson, Kemi-Bo Jacobs takes up Sam, Hermione Corfield portrays Charlie, while Darrell D’Silva brings Gene to life. The talented team behind this film includes producers Michael Dobbin, Chris Hamilton, Eva Lewucha, and Charles Meunier. Can’t wait to dive in!

In a statement, Jenkins expressed that the story “A Million Days” takes place just before humanity embarks on establishing a lunar colony, a project facilitated by AI named JAY. His intention was to craft an engaging and personal science fiction drama that invites viewers to deeply engage with this timely tale about the future of humanity and artificial intelligence.

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2024-09-12 18:11