Everything about Grenades in Arena Breakout: Infinite

As a seasoned gamer with over a decade of FPS gaming under my belt, I can confidently say that grenades are the unsung heroes in Arena Breakout: Infinite. These explosive devices have saved me countless times from being cornered by relentless enemies and have also given me the upper hand on more than one occasion.

Grenades are one of the most important tools in Arena Breakout: Infinite. They are a costly investment early on but are very useful when going up against other players. Since there’s a lot to know about and around grenades, we’ve compiled this hand guide to get you chucking grenades like a pro.

Grenades in theory

To begin, let’s cover the fundamentals: When you toss a grenade or it’s thrown towards you, there’s a visible red marker to help you locate it and identify its type. This marker also shows the grenade’s effective distance, so if you can’t see it on your screen, you should avoid getting hit.

When you select a grenade using the “G” key and the attached wheel, you have the option to launch it either high or low. To throw the grenade at a steep angle, click on the left mouse button. If you want to send it straight down or near the ground, use the right mouse button instead. This allows you to target a second-story window with your throw, or hurl it into a room without hitting the ceiling.

You can also cook grenades by hitting the “R”. This way, you can control when a grenade explodes after you throw it. All the explosive grenades like the M67, Mk 2, or the GHO have 4 seconds of delay until they explode, the Stun Grenade and Flashbang have 2.5 seconds of delay, and the Smoke and Gas grenades have 2 seconds of delay. This will take a while to get used to the timing, we recommend getting used to it in the Shooting Range.

The last thing you should know about is fragmentation damage. Both the M67 and the Mk 2 will deal damage in a radius around them. While the Mk 2 seems to be more effective against higher-level armor, the M67 will just deal more damage in total. And should you ever be in a situation where you can’t run far enough from a grenade, turn around and go prone to take less damage.

Grenades in practice

As a seasoned gamer, let’s dive into the art of using grenades in combat scenarios. Grenades serve as versatile tools for clearing out rooms, buildings, or pushing your enemies on the battlefield. Here are some tactics I’ve found helpful, but remember, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and get creative with your grenade usage.

In certain situations, explosion grenades like the M67 or GHO can be employed strategically to compel opponents to relocate. The effectiveness varies based on the environment and available space. When thrown towards an opponent, these explosives may either prompt them to flee hastily or inflict a significant portion of their total health points. Notably, the GHO grenade is particularly cunning as it detonates regardless of any physical barriers within its blast radius.

Using Molotov cocktails and tear gas can help clear an area from the opposition. For instance, if someone is occupying a room on the second floor of a building, throwing a Molotov cocktail and releasing tear gas (assuming they don’t have a gas mask) will make that space inhospitable for some period, enabling us to regroup and seize the initiative.

In a heated battle or even when someone’s attention is on you, Flashbang and Stun Grenades prove very effective. After being tossed, opponents usually move away or get disoriented, providing an advantage to attack them unexpectedly. These grenades can be particularly cunning when players prepare them slightly so they explode instantaneously as soon as they appear on the screen.

Instead of providing visibility, Smoke Grenades are excellent for concealing movement. You can use them to mask your advance by tossing them into narrow passages, in front of windows, or even disrupt opponents by throwing them inside the room they occupy. By the way, an interesting tactic is to throw a Tear Gas Grenade slightly behind a Smoke Grenade; this causes the grey smoke to almost entirely obstruct the yellow one. This could be useful when playing as part of a team.

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2024-11-28 23:58