The Malayalam actor Koottickal Jayachandran is facing accusations of sexually assaulting a young girl who is only four years old. The allegation was made by the child’s mother, leading to the filing of a police report. Initially, the actor requested bail from the Kerala High Court, but his request was denied. Subsequently, the state police issued a notice for his arrest. As reported by Mathrubhumi, Jayachandran has now applied for anticipatory bail at the Supreme Court in relation to the POCSO case.
A family member of the child lodged a complaint against Jayachandran with the Child Protection Unit. This complaint was eventually passed on to the police. During their investigation, the authorities also took the child’s statement, emphasizing that it should not be deemed as untrustworthy under any circumstances.
Currently, a legal representative has submitted an application for Jayachandran’s preventive bail in the Supreme Court. This application is scheduled for review within the coming days or next week. Earlier, the Sessions Court in Kozhikode rejected Jayachandran’s bail request. The court instructed him to submit a new application for preventive bail.
According to the report, the authorities have accused Jayachandran of sexually abusing a young girl, following a complaint made by the girl’s mother. The accusations against Jayachandran suggest that he used family disputes as an opportunity to abuse the child.
A close family member of the child has voiced worries about the slow progress in the case against Jayachandran. They have submitted a complaint to both the State Police Chief and the Commissioner, expressing apprehension that he might try to leave the country before being brought to justice. The report also highlighted concerns for the child’s safety, as well as her family, who allegedly are under threat. The relative urged for an immediate arrest of Jayachandran, a thorough investigation, quick filing of charges, and prompt action to ensure the child can return to school without fear.
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2025-01-23 07:52