DBD fans notice “awful” Knight nerf not mentioned in 8.1.0 patch notes

As a dedicated Dead by Daylight player with countless hours under my belt, I’ve grown fond of many killers in the game, but none quite like the Knight. His unique playstyle and abilities have always intrigued me, making him a staple in my killer rotation. However, yesterday’s update 8.1.0 left me dismayed as a Knight main.

Yesterday was an exciting day for Dead by Daylight fans. We witnessed the livestream of the new 2v8 mode, the arrival of Lara Croft as a survivor, the debut of Tome 20, and a fresh update with modifications for various aspects. Post-update, some Dead by Daylight players have expressed their disappointment over an unmentioned Knight nerf in the 8.1.0 patch notes, which they find to be unfavorable.

During the Dead by Daylight 2v8 livestream, Behaviour Entertainment provided an enjoyable experience. They confirmed the upcoming release of the 2v8 mode, sharing insights into the abilities of killers and survivor classes. Additionally, they officially announced the release date for The Casting of Frank Stone that had been previously leaked. Furthermore, a significant update was shared – cross-progression is scheduled to launch on July 22nd.

As a long-time fan of both Capcom and Dead by Daylight (DBD), I can’t help but feel excited about all the fantastic releases we have to look forward to in the future. Yesterday’s news was particularly exhilarating for the DBD community, with announcements of new chapters and collaborations that are sure to add more depth and excitement to the game.

Dead By Daylight fans report secret Knight nerf

After the arrival of update 8.1.0, I came across a post on the Dead by Daylight subreddit expressing disappointment about a hidden modification to the Knight’s abilities. The post claimed that BeHaviour Interactive didn’t mention this change in the patch notes, making it feel unbearable to play as or against the Knight.

I’ve read through the update 8.1.0 patch notes, and I’m excited to see all the modifications made to the Knight. However, some players have brought up an unmentioned change that’s causing quite a stir in the community. The OP, PsYcHo4MuFfInS, on Reddit, has shared their frustration about a new 10-second cooldown that kicks in every time a Guard despawns. This means it doesn’t matter if you’ve successfully kicked a generator, ended a chase, or missed your guard and had to wait for it to disappear; you’ll still be forced to play as an M1 killer for 10 seconds.

They made a change to Knight that isnt mentioned in the Patchnotes and makes him feel absolutely AWFUL to play!
byu/PsYcHo4MuFfInS indeadbydaylight

In response to these modifications and the Knight’s overall nerf, Dead by Daylight community members express their displeasure. One prominent comment reads, “We requested Knight adjustments, yet failed to notice the Monkey Paw’s influence in the background.” Another user echoes this sentiment, saying, “Instead of the anticipated buffs, we received successive nerfs. It’s a dismal period for Knight main players.”

I’m a devoted fan of the Knight Killer, but I can’t help feeling disappointed whenever there are shadow nerfs. Regardless of how enjoyable the multiplayer experience may be, these changes make the Knight one of the least effective killers right now.

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2024-07-17 13:10