One of the initial inconsistencies Andrej points out is Henry’s choice of undergarments. The “bruche” he wore during his swimming session with Hans was already outdated by 1403. By that time, medieval underwear had significantly changed, making this selection anachronistic. Whether it was a design oversight or a subtle nod to retro medieval fashion is up for debate.
Despite this minor historical inaccuracy, the game stands out with its authentic approach to armor. Many pieces mirror real historical examples found in museums, sculptures, and medieval illustrations.
One of Andrej’s early observations is that Henry wears outdated undergarments, known as “bruche,” during his swim with Hans. However, these were no longer fashionable by 1403, as the design of medieval underwear had already evolved. Whether this was a mistake or an intentional nod to retro fashion is unclear.
Despite this minor inconsistency, the game impresses with its realistic depiction of armor, featuring many pieces that closely resemble genuine historical examples displayed in museums, sculptures, and medieval artwork.