Bree and Roger were smart avoiding anything written about Claire and Jamie in Outlander

Bree and Roger were smart avoiding anything written about Claire and Jamie in Outlander

As a seasoned gamer who’s spent countless hours navigating the virtual realms of time travel and historical mysteries, I can confidently say that Brianna and Roger made a wise choice in not rushing to uncover their past in Outlander Season 7.

In the thrilling seventh season of Outlander, when Brianna and I make our journey to our own time, we opted against delving into the past. Looking back now, I firmly believe this was one of the wisest decisions we ever made.

The duo were unaware that a box containing letters dating back to the 1700s was in store for them. At no stage did they anticipate discovering what had become of Claire and Jamie. Upon receiving the letters, they did not delve into each one straight away.

I decided to take my time deciphering these letters carefully, knowing once they were finished, it’d mark the conclusion – a permanent goodbye to Claire and Jamie’s captivating journey through time. After all, that was the assumption. Still, there might be other compelling reasons to halt this writing endeavor.

Historical writing isn’t always accurate as Outlander proves

In the books, it’s revealed that the date of the fire at Fraser’s Ridge was actually misprinted by the printer because of font size and available typefaces. This may seem absurd, but in earlier times, accuracy wasn’t highly valued, especially with obituaries. The truth was uncovered only through letters exchanged between Bree and Roger.

Bree and Roger understand that what historians wrote in the past wasn’t always correct. This is especially true for ordinary individuals like the Frasers, who were less likely to be featured in history books unless someone in the future found their story significant enough to tell. In other words, the Frasers wouldn’t have made it into textbooks without a compelling reason for someone to write about them.

Any data that Bree and Roger obtained might not be reliable. Yet, it would still be devastating, as we can see from Bree’s emotional response upon discovering the obituary. Her immediate reaction was to journey back in time, disregarding her own well-being. Such behavior is often uncharacteristic when people are confronted with such information.

Opting against acquiring new knowledge enabled them to progress freely with their lives, allowing them to concentrate on their offspring and construct a shared future. They didn’t intentionally disregard their family, but sought to avoid reading untruths or misinformation.

It wasn’t like when Roger was researching Jamie in Outlander

Bree and Roger no longer have any curiosity about what Claire and Jamie do after their departure, as depicted in Outlander Season 7A. At this stage of the story, they are not contemplating returning to the past. Instead, they choose to establish a life for themselves within the current era.

In the third season of ‘Outlander’, Roger was investigating Jamie’s whereabouts. He discovered that Jamie didn’t perish at Culloden. After this revelation, he, Claire, and Brianna delved deep into historical records to trace Jamie’s story as a captive. However, they hit a roadblock until they stumbled upon a printer’s name and a quote that was inappropriate for the time period, which might lead them somewhere useful.

If Roger hadn’t contemplated the quote that seemed ahead of its time by several decades, he might not have connected all the pieces. Sometimes, research on certain topics is valuable only when you possess additional information upfront, and when you have a clear objective in mind.

Back then, it wasn’t as simple for Bree and Roger to conduct their research, since they didn’t possess Google in the year 1980. Instead, they were eighteen years ahead of their time for such technology!

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2024-09-03 21:38