Avowed: All Companion Training Rewards (& How to Unlock Them)

Your journey as the Imperial Envoy in Avowed will not be a lonely one. From the moment you arrive at Dawnshore, you will find companions eager to join your party and help you unravel the mystery behind the Dreamscourge. These skilled characters do not just lend their strength in combat, they can also train you, unlocking valuable stat bonuses in Avowed. This guide will show you how to unlock all companion training rewards, so you can optimize your build and make the most of every bonus available.

How to Unlock Companion Training in Avowed

You can unlock training by speaking with your companions at a party camp. They will always have something to discuss with you, often regarding a recently completed quest. Ask them if they have any tips for surviving in Avowed. When a companion is finally ready (and willing) to train you, they will give you three dialogue choices, each providing a set of bonus stats as training rewards for your character.

It is not entirely clear when or how companions become ready to train you in Avowed. Their training may be tied to specific regions or mainline quests. For example, Kai’s training rewards can be unlocked as early as Dawnshore, while Giatta and Yatzli offer theirs in Shatterscrap. Marius, however, will only train you after reaching Galawain’s Tusks, provided you keep asking him about survival tips in each region.

As we’re still unsure about the specific cause, here are some steps to help guarantee that you receive training from every companion throughout your gaming experience.

  • Keep progressing through the main storyline.
  • Keep speaking with your companions at every opportunity.
  • Keep asking them for survival tips in every region.
  • Keep exhausting all given companion dialogues at camp.

When your friends communicate, you’ll notice speech bubbles appearing on the left side of your Heads-Up Display (HUD). This is a sign that you should consider fast-traveling to their party camp.

All Companion Training Rewards in Avowed

Below are all the dialogue choices and their respective stat bonuses that you can unlock for each companion in Avowed. Something important to keep in mind is that you can train with each companion only once, so make your first choice count.

In the game “Avowed”, remember to regularly interact with your companions at camp, as any bonuses they provide, such as Marius’s Dexterity bonus, will continue to be active even if you choose to leave them behind while adventuring. This ensures that you don’t miss out on their valuable training rewards.

The training rewards you receive from companions are permanent and cannot be reset. Be mindful of the dialogue choices you make with them, as the stat bonuses they grant will remain throughout your gameplay. You won’t be able to revert these benefits using the “Reset Points” button on your character screen.

Kai’s Training

Dialogue Stat Rewards
“You can withstand a lot of damage. I want to know how you stay on your feet.” +2 Constitution
“You put a lot of power into your attacks. I want to learn how to hit harder with mine.” +2 Might
“Teach me a little bit of everything. I’m a fast learner.”
  • +1 Might
  • +1 Constitution

Marius’s Training

Dialogue Stat Rewards
“Tell me how to be quicker, quieter, and more agile.” +2 Dexterity
“Show me how to survive in conditions that would cripple the unprepared.” +2 Constitution
“I trust your instincts. How about a little of everything?”
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Constitution

Giatta’s Training

Dialogue Stat Rewards
“Tell me how an animancer sharpens their mind to decipher the spiritual world.” +2 Intellect
“I want to learn about how you stand up for yourself with an ironclad will.” +2 Resolve
“Whatever you want to teach me. I leave it in your hands.”
  • +1 Intellect
  • +1 Resolve

Yatzli’s Training

Dialogue Stat Rewards
“You always see the traps before I do – can you show me what to look for?” +2 Perception
“Let’s sharpen our wits.” +2 Intellect
“Whatever you want to teach me, I’m ready to learn!”
  • +1 Perception
  • +1 Intellect

How to Check Your Training Rewards in Avowed

If you cannot remember which companions have given their stat rewards or just want to redistribute your attribute points, press Tab (PC) or Back (Xbox) to open your character screen. Select any attribute from the left window and check if it mentions a companion training reward. For example, the image above confirms that Giatta’s training rewarded my character with +2 Resolve in Avowed.

Knowing your bonus stats is important for optimizing your build. Since attributes max out at 15, Kai’s +2 Might bonus reward at 14 Might means you are wasting +1 Might. So, you will have to respec to spend that +1 attribute point somewhere else.

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2025-03-15 16:06