All I Want Is You is the Christmas romance you’ve been waiting for

All I Want Is You is the Christmas romance you've been waiting for

As a dedicated reader who’s been lost in the pages of countless romance novels during Christmases past, Falon Ballard’s “All I Want Is You” has become my most anticipated holiday read this year! With a heart full of festive cheer and a book-loving soul, I eagerly dived into this delightful tale.

Despite us being in September, Christmas seems to be just around the bend. Why not make the most of it by celebrating with “All I Want Is You” by Falon Ballard?

Falon Ballard is providing us with a long-desired present – a heartwarming Christmas romance novel. Being an ardent fan of both Christmas tales and love stories, this book was undeniably one I looked forward to reading.

Regardless of whether you’re eagerly anticipating Christmas or prefer to celebrate after Thanksgiving, ‘All I Want is You’ will undoubtedly meet your expectations for the festive season. Just like every classic Christmas tune, it’s brief, heartwarming, and provides all that you require for the holiday.

I appreciate Putnam for not just making me aware of this book, but also for providing me with an Advance Reading Copy (ARC), allowing me to read it before its official release.

All I Want Is You is a Christmas romance for book lovers. 

Having been captivated by Falon Ballard’s past stories, I eagerly anticipated this new release, already predisposed to appreciate it. The narrative centers around Jessica, a renowned romance novelist seeking her major breakthrough. Her opportunity arrives unexpectedly when she introduces another promising “romance” author named Nick at an awards function for her publishing house.

Here are some complications when it comes to Jess presenting Nick. To start, they once were a couple and their split was rather messy. Furthermore, Jess dislikes Nick’s approach to writing romance because none of his novels conclude with a traditional happy ending. It’s well-known that a satisfying conclusion (happily ever after) is essential in a good romance book, but it seems he strays from the genre’s typical formula.

During the holiday season of Christmas, many of us understand the scenario. Usually, people get trapped by snow and end up spending time together. In this case, Jess finds herself stuck in Nick’s room due to the weather. Given that this story is a rekindled romance, there’s an electric tension between them that is hard to miss. It appears their feelings for each other have not diminished even if they choose to deny it, making for an enjoyable read.

Apart from this, Falon Ballard also weaves in scenes from their shared Christmas past, revealing the reasons behind their separation. It was skillfully executed, adding authenticity to their romantic tale. Additionally, I found the book’s brevity remarkable, as it managed to tell a captivating story that made me deeply invested in these two characters and their love story.

All I Want Is You is the perfect holiday romance for those looking to immerse themselves in the festive spirit or lift their mood. This quick, engaging read was so enjoyable that I finished it in one go, making it an enthusiastic recommendation. It’s also a fantastic introduction to Falon Ballard’s writing style for new readers.

In summary, I found All I Want Is You to be an ideal Christmas story for me. Although it may not appeal to everyone’s taste, I eagerly look forward to re-reading this book multiple times, as if opening a present over and over again.

All I Want Is You by Falon Ballard is out now where books are sold.

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2024-09-24 17:14