All Godlike Abilities in Avowed and how to obtain them

One of the best ways to power yourself up in Avowed is by using Godlike Abilities.

As you progress through your gaming adventure, you’ll uncover powerful skills by finishing various stages of the main storyline and meeting certain requirements. These abilities can be earned either by completing tasks or from Ancient Memories. Some Memories contain special conversations that reveal hidden Godlike Abilities when accessed.

How to obtain all Godlike Abilities in Avowed

As soon as you acquire a brand-new divine power, it will become active on its own. Let’s explore the methods for acquiring each one and discuss the unique in-game benefits they provide.

NameTypeHow to ObtainEffect
Dream TouchActiveDuring the Message from Afar quest, accept The Voice’s offer of power.Heals and revives all allies and deals damage to Delemgan, Dreamthralls, and Vessels over time
Sapadal’s FuryActiveFree Sapadal in the Heart of the Garden questRelease Sapadal’s power to slam enemies on the ground after lifting them up in the air
Scion of the Immortal LandActiveDuring the Shadows of the Past quest, accept Sapadal’s offer of power, and destroy the ruinsIncreased Health and also offers Health regeneration for 12 seconds
Seeds of VengeanceActiveAccept Sapadal’s offer of power at Mt. ForjaSubstitutes Dream Touch, heals and revives allies, and also deals damage over time to Dreamthralls, Delemgan, and Vessels. You can also covert up to 3 Kith corpses into temporary Dreamthralls allies
Severed BranchActiveAccept Sapadal’s offer of power in the Shadows of the Past quest, and select Ryngrim to remove the Adra networkMaximum movement speed for 20 seconds
Thorn of SapadalActiveAccept Sapadal’s offer of power during the Ancient Soil questFires an energy projective that threads through multiple enemies. Roots the enemies to a place and deals damage on impact
Woedica’s CallActiveDestroy Sapadal in the Heart of the Garden questCalls an ally that raises from the earth and smites all nearby enemies
Divine ThornPassiveAvailable by defaultYour character gets a stealth attack by crouching behind unaware enemies. Summon an energy lance that does a lot of damage
Godlike’s WillPassiveReject all offers of powerGet an extra Ability Point to spend on your class ability tree
Remembrance of EnhekalaPassiveDiscover memory of Enhekala in the Wildwoods of Emerald StairIncreased Maximum Essence by 10%
Remembrance of KishamalPassiveFind the memory of Kishamal in The Rise of DawnshoreIncreased Maximum Health by 10%
Remembrance of MaruPassiveFind the memory of Maru in the Slumbering Fields of Galawain’s TuskIncreased Attack Damage by 10%
Remembrance of NimannaPassiveFind the memory of Nimanna in Twin Offerings OverlookIncreased Maximum Stamina by 10%

In the end, the choice of Godlike Abilities lies with you, based on the type of power you prefer for your character. Certain abilities can greatly enhance your character, and this decision will largely depend on the class you’re playing. Be sure to consult our class tier list to make an informed decision in optimizing your game progress.

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2025-02-21 01:17