All Decorations & Jewel Skills – Monster Hunter Wilds

There are a lot of Decorations (also called Jewels) in Monster Hunter Wilds and they each have their own name and associated skills. While some of the names align with skill names, others aren’t easy to discern at a glance. Below you’ll find a table of every single weapon and armor Decoration, the skill it provides, and a description of said skill.

All Decorations & Jewel Skills

There are dozens of Decorations to collect and meld in Monster Hunter Wilds. The first time you unlock Decorations, you won’t be able to use them right away, but sooner or later you’ll be diving deep in to your build. At this point, it can be difficult to work out what skills each Decoration is offering. Use the following table to help your buildcrafting process. It includes the weapon Decorations and the armor Decorations. Remember you can make more Decorations at the Melding Pot.

Weapon Decorations
Decoration/Jewel nameSkill nameSkill description
ArtilleryArtilleryStrengthens explosive attacks like shells, Wyvern’s Fire, charge blade phial attacks, and Sticky Ammo.
AttackAttack BoostIncreases attack power.
BandolierTetrad ShotIncreases affinity of bowgun ammo/coatings from the fourth shot and attack of the fourth and sixth shots.
BlastBlast AttackIncreases the rate of blast buildup. (Blast buildup has a maximum limit.)
BlastcoatBlast FunctionalityAllows you to apply blast coatings.
BlazeFire AttackIncreases fire element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)
BluntBludgeonerIncreases attack power when your weapon sharpness is low.
BoltThunder AttackIncreases thunder elemental attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)
ChargeCharge MasterIncreases element power and status buildup for charged attacks.
Charge UpCharge UpIncreases your power to induce stun when you hit a monster with a hammer’s charged attack.
Crit ElementCritical ElementIncreases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, deagon) when landing critical hits.
Crit StatusCritical StatusIncreases abnormal status effects (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits.
CriticalCritical BoostIncreases the damage of critical hits.
DragonDragon AttackIncrease dragon element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)
DrainStamina ThiefIncreases certain attacks’ ability to exhaust monsters.
DraincoatExhaust FunctionalityAllows you to apply exhaust coatings.
DrawCritical DrawIncreases affinity when performing draw attacks. (Not effective while riding.)
EnhancerPower ProlongerAllows long swords, dual blades, insect glaives, switch axes, and charge blades to stay powered up longer.
ExpertCritical EyeIncreases affinity.
FlightAirborneIncreases the damage caused by jumping attacks.
FocusFocusIncreases the fill rate for weapons with gauges and the charge rate for weapons with charge attacks.
ForceshotNormal ShotsIncreases the attack power of Normal Ammo, normal arrows, and Flying Swallow Shot.
FrostIce AttackIncreases ice element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)
GambitPunishing DrawAdds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power. (Not effective while riding.)
GrinderSpeed SharpeningSpeeds up weapon sharpening when using a whetstone.
GuardianOffensive GuardTemporarily increases attack power after executing a perfectly-timed guard.
HandicraftHandicraftExtends the weapon sharpness gauge. However, it will not increase the gauge past its maximum.
IronwallGuardReduces knockbacks and stamina depletion when guarding.
KOSluggerMakes it easier to stun monsters.
MagazineLoad ShellsImproves reloading, and increases the gunlance’s shell capacity and charge blade’s phial capacity.
MasteryMaster’s TouchPrevents your weapon from losing sharpness during critical hits.
Mind’s EyeMind’s EyeYour attacks are deflected less and deal more damage to hard targets.
OpenerOpening ShotIncreases the bowgun’s reload speed and increases the power of bullets when fully loaded.
ParacoatPara FunctionalityAllwos you to apply paralysis coatings.
ParalyzerParalysis AttackIncreases the rate of paralysis buildup. (Paralysis buildup has a maximum limit.)
PiercePiercing ShotsIncreases the attack of the bowgun’s Pierce Ammo, and the bow’s Dragon Piercer and Thousand Dragons.
PoisonPoison Duration UpExtends the duration of your poison’s effect on monsters.
PoisoncoatPoison FunctionalityAllows you to apply poison coatings.
PreciseBallisticsExtends the range in which ammo and arrows have maximum power.
QuickswitchRapid MorphIncreases switch speed and power for switch axes and charge blades.
Razor SharpRazor SharpPrevents your weapon from losing sharpness.
SalvoRapid Fire UpImproves light bowgun rapid fire.
SharpProtective PolishWeapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening.
ShieldGuard UpAllows you to guard against ordinary unblockable attacks.
SleepSleep AttackIncreases the rate of sleep buildup. (Sleep buildup has a maximum limit.)
SleepcoatSleep FunctionalityAllows you to apply sleep coatings.
SonorousHorn MaestroIncreases the effect duration of hunting horn melodies. (Effect lost when you change weapons.)
SpreadSpread-Power ShotsIncreases the attack of the bowgun’s Spread Ammo and the bow’s Power Shots and Quick Shots.
StreamWater AttackIncreases water element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)
TrueshotSpecial Ammo BoostIncreases the power of the bowgun’s special ammo, and the bow’s Dragon Piercer, Thousand Dragons, and Tracer.
VenomPoison AttackIncreases the rate of poison buildup. (Poison buildup has a maximum limit.)
Armor Decorations
Decoration/Jewel nameSkill nameSkill description
AdaptAdaptabilityGrants protection against environmental damage, such as from heat or cold.
AmbushAmbushTemporarily increases damage to large monsters with a successful Sneak Attack.
AntiblastBlast ResistanceGrants protection against blastblight.
AntidotePoison ResistanceReduces damage while poisoned.
AntiparaParalysis ResistanceReduces the duration of paralysis.
BomberBombardierIncreases the damage of explosive items.
BotanyBotanistIncreases the quantity of herbs and other consumable items you gather.
BraceFlinch FreePrevents knockbacks and other reactions to small damage.
ChainBurstContinuously landing hits gradually increases attack and elemental attack. (Amount increased depends on weapon.)
ChallengerAgitatorIncreases attack power and affinity when large monsters become enraged.
ClimberCliffhangerDecreases stamina depletion when climbing on vines.
CounterCounterstrikeTemporarily increases attack power after being knocked back.
CounterattackAdrenaline RushTemporarily increases attack power after executing a perfectly-timed evade just as a monster attacks.
Def LockIron SkinGrants protection against defense down.
DefenseDefense BoostIncreases defense. Also improves resistances at higher levels.
DestroyerPartbreakerMakes it easier to break large monster parts, and increases damage dealt when destroying a wound with a Focus Strike.
DiveLeap of FaithAllows you to do a dive-evade when facing towards large monsters and extends the dive-evade distance.
Dragon ResDragon ResistanceIncreases dragon resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.
EarplugsEarplugsGrants protection from large monsters’ roars.
EnduringItem ProlongerExtends the duration of some item effects.
EscapeBind ResistanceGrants protection against webbed status and frostblight.
EvasionEvade WindowExtends the vulnerability period when evading.
Fire ResFire ResistanceIncrease fire resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.
FlashBlindsiderImproves the effectiveness of flash attacks and items.
FlawlessPeak PerformanceIncreases attack when your health is full.
FlayerFlayerMakes it easier to inflict wounds. Upon inflicting enough damage, also deals additional non-elemental damage.
FootingTremor ResistanceGrants protection against ground tremors.
ForayForayIncreases attack power and affinity against large monsters affected by poison or paralysis.
FriendshipWide-RangeAllows the effects of certain items to also affect nearby allies.
FungiformMushroomancerLets you digest mushrooms that would otherwise be inedible and gain their advantageous effects.
FurorResentmentIncreases attack when you have recoverable damage (the red portion of your Health Gauge).
GeologyGeologistIncreases the number of items you gain at gathering points.
GobblerSpeed EatingIncreases meat-eating and item-consumption speed.
GrowthSelf-ImprovementAttack and defense increase as time passes while on a quest. (The maximum is reached after 30 minutes.)
HungerlessHunter ResistanceReduces maximum stamina depletion over time.
Ice ResIce ResistanceIncreases ice resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.
IntimidatorIntimidatorReduces the chance small monsters will attack after spotting you. (Has no effect on certain monsters.)
JumpingEvade ExtenderIncreases evade distance.
LeapJump MasterPrevents attacks from knocking you back during a jump.
MaintenanceTool SpecialistReduces the recharge time for specialized tools.
MedicineRecovery UpIncreases the amount recovered when restoring health.
MightyMaximum MightIncreases affinity if stamina is kept full for a period of time.
MirewalkerAquatic/Oilsilts MobilityGrants resistance against impairments to mobility while in water, oilsilt, or streams.
PepSleep ResistanceReduces the duration of sleep.
PerfumeStench ResistanceGrants protection against stench.
PhoenixCoalescenceTemporarily increases elemental attack power and status effects after recovering from blights or abnormal status.
PhysiqueConstitutionReduces stamina depletion when evading, blocking, or doing certain other actions.
PotentialHeroicsIncreases attack power and defense when health drops to 35% or lower.
ProtectionDivine BlessingHas a predetermined chance of reducing the damage you take.
RangerOutdoorsmanImproves fishing, grilling, and transporting abilities.
RecoveryRecovery SpeedSpeeds healing of recoverable damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).
RefreshStamina SurgeSpeeds up stamina recovery.
SaneAntivirusOnce infected, makes it easier to overcome the Frenzy and increases affinity if cured.
SatiatedFree MealGives you a predetermined chance of consuming a food or drink item for free.
SheathQuick SheatheSpeeds up weapon sheathing.
ShockproofShock AbsorberDisables damage reactions when you hit a friend or when a friend hits you.
SpecimenEntomologistThe bodies of small insect monsters won’t be destroyed, allowing them to be carved.
SprinterMarathon RunnerSlows down stamina depletion for actions that continuously drain stamina (such as dashing).
SteadfastStun ResistanceReduces the duration of stun.
SurvivalSurvival ExpertExtra health is recovered from environmental interactables.
SutureBleeding ResistanceGrants protection against bleeding.
TenderizerWeakness ExploitIncreases the affinity of attacks that exploit a monster’s weak points and wounds.
ThrottleLatent PowerTemporarily increases affinity and reduces stamina deplation when certain conditions are met.
Thunder ResThunder ResistanceIncreases thunder resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.
Water ResWater ResistanceIncreases water resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.
Wind ResistWindproofGrants protection against wind pressure.

Not all the Decorations will be unlocked immediately. Lots will unlock as you level up and luck upon them via melding or as rewards in the Appraisal Box. Spend some time reading over our Monster Hunter Wilds page for more information.

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2025-03-18 08:33